New Cigar

well, I was speaking with Mike, the owner at my store about the anniversary cigars. It looks like they are looking to ship in middle January from Litto's factory. Sorry for the long stretch of time with no update.

I will have to meetup in Bethesda to smoke one with you
Ditto.... Definitely interested and I should be in the DC area again in the spring. Another Herf if you got the time?

I am interested in these as well. Any idea of price ? Can Paypal you the $$ and shipping.

If paypal is possible and a price quote when available- let me know? I might take 2 also? Thanks
Ok, so Mike (the Owner) and I have worked out this thing. We will get the first shippment of the Anniversary cigars in next week. The cigars are a special Torpedo size of the LFD Cameroon Cabinet, made just for Bethesda Tobacco, and come in boxes of 24 for $249.00 plus tax. Mike is now taking pre-orders and he wants anyone who is interested to call Bethesda Tobacco (his shop) at 301-907-7990 to order. Please mention my name when you order, Jon Elliott. There boxes are numbered 1 through 100. I got number 4!
Will there be 6ers available :rolleyes: or only boxes? :(
(Some of our working guy wallets could handle the former but not the latter.)
Will there be 6ers available :rolleyes: or only boxes? :(
(Some of our working guy wallets could handle the former but not the latter.)
I hear y'ah. I dont know if Mike is going to break them up. Give him a call. I'm actually getting ready to head out of town for the holidays so i wont be by the shop to ask.
Will there be 6ers available :rolleyes: or only boxes? :(
(Some of our working guy wallets could handle the former but not the latter.)

I'm thinking of grabbing a box and doing a box split with it...lemme check the bank account and I'll post a decision soon.

These cigars are a special torpedo version of the LFD Cameroon Cabinet. It was great! Full bodied, really smooth and great flavor that you'd get from the other vitolas in this line. These are going to age amazingly. Mike is still getting boxes in from Litto so he still has boxes available.