Well grateful1, you should have paid closer attention, at it wasn't RyJ tubos that caused any incident... Research first...
"It is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt."
The Eye said:
Well grateful1, you should have paid closer attention, at it wasn't RyJ tubos that caused any incident... Research first...
"It is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt."
Oh, there was something else?
Maybe Monte 2's that were bought ...the seller backed out because they were fake...they were resold as Cuban...and another guy bought them - only to find out after they were fake?
Or was it one or more of the singles that was in question? ;)
For full disclosure - they guy who bought the resold smokes was made whole in some way - after the fact.
No research need - I was there. The RyJ left a bad taste....the reselling of the Monte's nailed it.
We have people coming on here and making their 6th post. I believe the established members. Sorry but the eye lies.
So it is far better to believe the lies from those with many posts than accept he truth from those with few?
MadAl said:
So it is far better to believe the lies from those with many posts than accept he truth from those with few?
Apples and oranges guys.
Fish...the limited posters are long time cigar board folk...and a few are the original NEWK crew.
Not defending anyone, it's just tough to tell the players without the history.
Al - what's the story with all this?
 Perhaps you have no idea who I am... LONGSTANDING member of the NEWK. I just don't frequent this board, unless someone tells me that another member is talking shit, and using MY NAME. So, I suggest you STFU, unless you know me, and YOU don't....
Gary has NEVER lied that I can decipher from reading this board.  I understand that there are inner workings and things that I don't know about.  I can only go off of what some established members are saying in comparison to what the guys that have less than 10 posts over the course of many years.  I understand read more and post less.  But a guy that has an average of 1.5 posts/year doesn't really give me a ton of history to go off of.  So ergo, I will tend to believe the guy that is on here every day acting like a Class Act and not the gooch bead lickers that choose to grace us with their presence occasionally.
grateful1 said:
So it is far better to believe the lies from those with many posts than accept he truth from those with few?
Apples and oranges guys.
Fish...the limited posters are long time cigar board folk...and a few are the original NEWK crew.
Not defending anyone, it's just tough to tell the players without the history.
Al - what's the story with all this?
Grateful, you are absolutely correct. There were guys who worked their asses of for that event, and some 'Johnny come latelys' who really had no clue about anything, tried to spread their wings and got clipped. Then, they trash talk the others at every opportunity... Dirty play, and not necessary.

ilikefishes said:
Gary has NEVER lied that I can decipher from reading this board.  I understand that there are inner workings and things that I don't know about.  I can only go off of what some established members are saying in comparison to what the guys that have less than 10 posts over the course of many years.  I understand read more and post less.  But a guy that has an average of 1.5 posts/year doesn't really give me a ton of history to go off of.  So ergo, I will tend to believe the guy that is on here every day acting like a Class Act and not the gooch bead lickers that choose to grace us with their presence occasionally.
Who is Gary? When did he supposedly 'lie'? The only person labeled a liar here was FPKjr....and that wasn't even by ME.
Gary, I understand.  I will shut up and listen.  Thanks for the advice.
Edited, because I am an idiot and thought I was responding to Ironpeddler and not Grateful.  My mistake Phil and Gary I am sorry.
ilikefishes said:
Gary, I understand.  I will shut up and listen.  Thanks for the advice.
 I owe you an apology... Saying STFU was stepping over a line. For that, I apologize...
Not a big deal.  I probably should not have butted into your guys business.  I am sorry too.  Regards,
I recall the fake cubans.  Friends of the NERF crew brought them in for the auction not knowing they had been suckered.  Once the crew found out, they made good and the event was domestics-only in the years after that.  Still, that didn't stop scumbag guests from bringing in fake cubans to sell and/or trade to other guests, but I don't think it's fair to blame the NERF crew for that.
Since Paul and Al posted here, I have to say they are both stand-up guys who gave a lot of sweat to a great event.  I go to a lot of cigar events and you guys had the gold standard.
stinkweed said:
I recall the fake cubans.  Friends of the NERF crew brought them in for the auction not knowing they had been suckered.  Once the crew found out, they made good and the event was domestics-only in the years after that.  Still, that didn't stop scumbag guests from bringing in fake cubans to sell and/or trade to other guests, but I don't think it's fair to blame the NERF crew for that.
Since Paul and Al posted here, I have to say they are both stand-up guys who gave a lot of sweat to a great event.  I go to a lot of cigar events and you guys had the gold standard.
 Thank you. It was with great pride that al, myself, and the other great guys in the NEWK turned out an event that everyone enjoyed. It was a lot of work, and Chuck  and Al did a large part of it. I was proud, when telling people about it, rallying donations for it, and when it was all said and done, we handed a very worthwhile charity a good amount of money, and had a great afternnon of smokes with guys who shared a common bond. Like i said before, if the original guys in the NEWK asked me tomorrow if I would do it all again, I'd be IN! I appreciate your opinion of our efforts, thanks.
stinkweed said:
That probally has to do with monies missing for the charity "Wednesday Child" 
I wouldn't  give a dime to go after what happened  two years ago when it was hosted in Worcester, Ma.  It's unfortunate really, a few greedy members allegedly pocketed cash.
Of course this is just my opinion, spend your hard earned cash anyway you want.
Sorry to bump this sad thread, but what you wrote is a lie, Fpkjr.  I know the NERF crew guys.  Nobody ever took a dime.  Those were stand-up guys who love cigars.
Think – after 11 years of a great event, they suddenly decide to take money from special-needs orphans?  C’mon, that doesn’t even make sense.
I mentioned your post and the guys do know you, Frank.  I got lots of rolled eyes and shaking heads.  They recall when you tried to lead the crew last year and not one crew member would support you.  I have the emails, some from you, to prove this and I will post here if it helps jog your memory.
So I get the reason for your lie; but why spit on the grave of a great event?  Your life is too full for that, right?
Of course, if you want to offer any support for your lie, we’re all ears.  Whatcha got?
 I would love to see your emails.
I have all of the emails I sent, seeing that the founding member of NEWK is the recipient, with his permission I'd be delighted to post all of them here?
Barring that they can roll there eyes all they want, I have all the emails.
Hey Brown Eye, one thing, the next time you feel cold blued steel in your mouth finish the job, you're a psychopath with misogynistic tendencies.
Good to see you Frank. 

Hope all is well...and you can make it up sometime.
Have a great Thanksgiving! 
Thank you Gary.
You have a great Thanksgiving also..
Not getting online as much as I used to, unfortunately..
NEWK is an acronym "New England Wrecking Krew" for the group who put on the NERF!  
Ever since my first involvement its been that name.