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Need some advice on Coffee


Moderation in moderation
Jun 14, 2011
Gentlemen I need a bit of advice. My parents are long time Folgers drinkers and recently started trying new stuff. I want to get then a bit of variety for the holidays so what would you guys recommend? They drink their coffee black and prefer it a bit stronger.
Doesn't Folgers come come with a M.S.D.S. sheet..........
See if you can find a local roaster and talk to them.

The probably don't want an 'acidic' coffee...some of the stronger ones can be that way.

Mocha Java is a nice coffee(that's just the name...it's not mocha).

They may even like a less strong cup...try Tanzania Peaberry (my regular coffee) - not to acidic or strong but flavorful.

Strong coffee can be something in a French or Dark City roast (that's how the roast it longer).

I'll try to think of a few more but you may want to get a nice variety and then they can hone in on what they like. :thumbs:
I just bought some KillerBeans from Jerry for the holidays the other day (Tanz. Peaberry, Electric Chair) but maybe this website could help? Just came across it the other day so I really cannot tell you too much about it but it looks pretty interesting...
You and the folks ought to at least try the Tanzania Peaberry from Jerry.

But for a everyday cuppa, try Eight O' Clock Columbian.

From Consumer Reports, "it beats out pricier roasts from Starbucks, Gloria Jean's Coffee and Peet's Coffee, in addition to other affordable supermarket brands like Folgers and Maxwell House. "
Carribean Cutthroat from Jerry, or Guatemalan Pacamara roasted Full City as a good recommendation based on your post.
Not being familiar with Killer Beans, I would suggest "Peet's" "Major Dickason's Blend". Just enough Dark roast flavors, smooth, with a decent complexity. Much better than most of the folks who claim to be the world's best.

Intelligensia also masterfully roasts their beans, although I am still going through their offerings to find a favorite. Although I have not decided on a "Go To" yet, EVERTHING I've tried from them was obviously high quality, and roasted to perfection.
I find Intelligensia to be on the acidic side. Try out Stumptown if you run across it.
Marques de Paiva is a wonderful coffee from Brazil---fair trade, organic, Rainforest Alliance approved, 4th generation family company---that tastes great and widely available, including online. Comes in Medium, French, and Espresso roasts. If they've been drinking Folgers, the Medium should be about right for them.

For something completely different, try Arbuckle's Ariosa. It's the original cowboy coffee!

I would prefer Folgers Classic Roast Decaffienated...

I am trying to figure out if you are being serious, trolling, or just being unhelpful.

I don't know. Most of his posts appear to be void of complete sentences and/or complete thoughts, so I don't know. He's not outright being confrontational in his possible trolling or anything, but I can't tell if he seems to either not really pay attention to the content of the thread as he posts, or maybe is just totally ignorant.

SeanBen, I don't know you so I'm not here I attack you or anything, but all of your posts definitely aren't "the norm" around here. We try to come off as a forum of adults who can engage in adult conversation. Just something to think about, if you care.
My wife works for Starbucks so that is pretty much all we drink in this house. Yukon Gold is good and for stronger cups we go with the Espresso Roast.
Why not get them a French Press & a good coffee from your local coffee shop?
theronray said:
Why not get them a French Press & a good coffee from your local coffee shop?
Did you notice that this thread is over a year old since last replied to?