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need help


Dec 29, 2014
Just found some white fast moving critters in humidor , I'm almost certain wood mites white in colour  in total 4 of them one in my humidifier (sponge ) style
so zip locked straight in to the freezer only has benign there for 15 mins
i put them straight away got paranoid thought they where beetles.
i just received my new winter 251 have hygrometer in their reading 64.5 fahrenheit and 63% humidity do you think its safe to put my cigars back in or should i  wait 24hrs in freezer then 24 hrs in fridge then 24hrs in room temp before i put back in to the new humidor
any advice would be great help 
Throw that thing in the fire and start over!!! :0
I ain't smoking no bugs or beetles - chuck em!
bill.u said:
Just found some white fast moving critters in humidor , I'm almost certain wood mites white in colour  in total 4 of them one in my humidifier (sponge ) style
so zip locked straight in to the freezer only has benign there for 15 mins
i put them straight away got paranoid thought they where beetles.
i just received my new winter 251 have hygrometer in their reading 64.5 fahrenheit and 63% humidity do you think its safe to put my cigars back in or should i  wait 24hrs in freezer then 24 hrs in fridge then 24hrs in room temp before i put back in to the new humidor
any advice would be great help 
Take a grammar and punctuation refresher!
The remove everything, wipe humi with lite bleach mix (like a capful to a gallon)....or just chuck the thing. 
Oh, isolate the smokes if you can. Maybe put them in ziplocks with humipacks.

edit - at least do a day in the fridge, then 2-3 in the freezer, then 1 in the fridge, then out for a day....then in the humi for a while. 