Need Help with my coolidor


New Member
May 26, 2004
Hi all,

I know there is so much information about building a coolidor but I want to narrow some things down and ask your opinion.

I just bought a 120 qt cooler (igloodor) and want to get this up and running ASAP. Looking at prices for spanish cedar proved way to costly. I have read that spanish cedar and even using old cigar boxes (which I do not have many and would require alot to line my 120 qt monster) is not necessary when using climmax beads? What are your thoughts?

Another question-- how much climmax beads (70%) would I need for my 120 qt monster?

Any other suggestions or ideas?

Thanks much

Just store the cigars in their boxes. I've never put anything in mine, except for a couple pieces of cedar sheets from inside some boxes in the plastic container that came with the cooler for loose smokes.

As for the beads, I use 1/2lb in each of my 50qt, so I think I would put 1lb in each end of your monster.
Don't worry about cedar lining. As far as Climmax goes one pound should be plenty and I would highly recommend the 65%.
You may be confused. You don't need enough boxes to line your coolidor, you just need a few to add character to your smokes.
Well, per the guidelines on vern's site 1/2 lb is more than enough. I have a 120 quart cooler with a 1/2 lb and it works fine.

I completely agree with macupdale:
Just store the cigars in their boxes. I've never put anything in mine, except for a couple pieces of cedar sheets from inside some boxes in the plastic container that came with the cooler for loose smokes.

If you don't have any cedar boxes. go to your local smoke shop and ask them if they'll give you a few empty boxes. Stick around this plance long enough and you'll have more empty boxes than you'll know what to do with :p

I also concur with Craig on this:
would highly recommend the 65%.
I think 65% is better than 70%
Thanks for your suggestions. Though I would like to know why some prefer 65% over 70% Climmax beads? Of what I read should we not want 70-73% RH for the best condition?


There is a lot of bad info out there. While there are some few who do prefer 70% most find that 65% is much better. Draw and burn are greatly improved at 65%. I actually prefer a little lower :)
Draw and burn are greatly improved at 65%. I actually prefer a little lower

Once again, Craig is right on the money. :thumbs:

1/2 lb of 65% and you'll be all set ;)
One suggestion, put your beads in a knee high pantyhose. Also, I have %65 media in my fridgedor. If you live in an area that has low humidity year round, you may want to sping for the %70.
emodx said:
If you live in an area that has low humidity year round, you may want to sping for the %70.
Yes, for example, I live in Arizona. It will be 108 today, with < 10% humidity. I need the 70% beads to keep things in an acceptable range, between 65 & 70%. I use the cigar oasis in conjunction with the beads, and it works perfectly.

Do a search here and you will find many threads on 65 vs 70. In reality, there is no "best condition." The perfect humidity is what you prefer.