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Nearing Completion


New Member
May 18, 2012
Any Suggestions On A Cigar To Have For Completing Another Deployment? I Will Not Be Done For A Little While But Shipping Takes Damn Near Forever To Here.

My Main Question Is Does Anyone Know Which Companies Or Websites Will Ship Overseas To Here? Also Who Has Been The Most Reliable If Anyone Knows?

Is There Any Cigar That Holds Up Better In The Extreme Heat And Length Of Time It Takes To Get Mail?

Naturally I Will Have Many Cigars When I Return But I Am More Looking For A Cigar I Can Purchase And Enjoy here Possibly Purchasing A Few To Enjoy With Other People I Have Shared This Time With.

Appreciate Any Help That Is Offered
What's with the shift key?

I have found most of the ship APO. Have never had a problem with getting anything shipped while I was in Afghanistan.
Any suggestions on a cigar to have for completing another deployment? I will not be done for a little while but shipping takes damn near forever to here.

My main question is does anyone know which companies or websites will ship overseas to here? Also who has been the most reliable if anyone knows?

Is there any cigar that holds up better in the extreme heat and length of time it takes to get mail?

Naturally i will have many cigars when i return but i am more looking for a cigar i can purchase and enjoy here possibly purchasing a few to enjoy with other people i have shared this time with.

Appreciate any help that is offered

First off, fuck you for your stupid Every First Word Capitalized.

Oh, and most all Cigar companies and stores ship to APO addresses. I personnally have ordered from Serious, Holts, NeptuneCigar, and Famous with no issues. If you store your cigars in a traveldor or zip loc bag and keep it inside an air conditioned tent or room that doesn't get much above 80, you should be fine; the better the seal on the cigars the better.

First off, fuck you for your stupid Every First Word Capitalized.

Oh, and most all Cigar companies and stores ship to APO addresses. I personnally have ordered from Serious, Holts, NeptuneCigar, and Famous with no issues. If you store your cigars in a traveldor or zip loc bag and keep it inside an air conditioned tent or room that doesn't get much above 80, you should be fine; the better the seal on the cigars the better.
What's with the shift key?

I have found most of the ship APO. Have never had a problem with getting anything shipped while I was in Afghanistan.

suprchunk - Thank You For The Assistance

Kid Montana - So Angry Its Ok Though That Shift Key Can be Pesky I Guess ;-). You Did Make Me Laugh With A Room Consistently Under 80 Degrees With Air Conditioning Though. Anyways ThanK You For The Help And For The Suggestions With Storing Of The Cigars. Additionaly ThanK You For The Ideas About Places To Order From.
No, seriously. What's with pushing the shift key every time you push the space bar?
It Just A Habit I Have Been Doing For Years Upon Years And I Dont Even Notice Most The Time Plus Takes No Extra Time :-)
It may not take any extra time, but it is very very annoying. Since your new here, my suggestion would be that you save that for some other forum. It's not going to win you any friends around here.
I DoN'T SeE ThE PrObLeM HeRe GuYs. MaYbE CuTtInG SoMe SlAcK Is In OrDeR HeRe.
It Just A Habit I Have Been Doing For Years Upon Years And I Dont Even Notice Most The Time Plus Takes No Extra Time :-)
That's like saying its a habit to be illiterate so why not just keep doing it.
Dayum, I had to put on my reading glasses to follow this thread!
Frozen, I understand what you are saying. I hope you understand what everyone else is saying.
This is the first and only board I'm on, cigar related our otherwise. Personally, this capital letter thing doesn't bother me so much, but I understand the annoyance. I probably wouldn't hire someone who wrote like this, but that doesn't mean we can't still be BOTL.

Man this thread is some funny shite.. But yeah like the guy's have said most retailers are more than happy to send sticks to our guy's & gal's overseas.
Capital letters are sometimes used to signify the importance of a word. What I'm taking from this thread is when frozen types something, he wants EVERY word to count!
Capital letters are sometimes used to signify the importance of a word. What I'm taking from this thread is when frozen types something, he wants EVERY word to count!

We have an expression in the military. "When everything is a priority, nothing is a priority."
I Understand Where People Are Coming From But To Say You Wont Like Me For My Typing Style Is A Little Severe I Think. However This Topic Seems To Have Gone From A Question About Cigars To The Way I Type. To Clarify I Do Not Type Like This For Papers Or Letters/Memos/E-Mails I Send For Work. If It Really Is A Problem Which I Cant Understand Why As It Does Not Change The Word Itself I Will Make A Better Effort To Not Do It Here. Indeed Every Word I Use Is Important Though Just Want To Note That. Not Attempting To Make Anyone Dislike Me As I Am Here To Learn And Gather Knowledge From People About Cigars And The Atmosphere Surrounding Cigar Smoking. With That Said Thank You For All The Assistance With The Original Question And Have A Wonderful Day :-).

Kid Montana - I Have Never Heard That Expression Before
I Understand Where People Are Coming From But To Say You Wont Like Me For My Typing Style Is A Little Severe I Think. However This Topic Seems To Have Gone From A Question About Cigars To The Way I Type. To Clarify I Do Not Type Like This For Papers Or Letters/Memos/E-Mails I Send For Work. If It Really Is A Problem Which I Cant Understand Why As It Does Not Change The Word Itself I Will Make A Better Effort To Not Do It Here. Indeed Every Word I Use Is Important Though Just Want To Note That. Not Attempting To Make Anyone Dislike Me As I Am Here To Learn And Gather Knowledge From People About Cigars And The Atmosphere Surrounding Cigar Smoking. With That Said Thank You For All The Assistance With The Original Question And Have A Wonderful Day :-).

Kid Montana - I Have Never Heard That Expression Before

If you can consciously choose how to type, then I don't see what the problem is? Consciously choose not to type like a middle schooler here, where we are professionals and adults, simply extend us that courtesy.

If you must, even consider this work I suppose, but if this is asking to much of you, you may move along to another board that doesn't care about grammar or proper writing skills. The one and only person that truly matters, asked you to discontinue this writing style you choose to use here and you still have yet to respect him enough to comply, very rude!


If you're next post resembles the same style (capitalizing every word) then you will be banned. Your next post will be a clear indication as to whether or not you care to be part of this community and abide by the very few rules we have. Should you choose to be a renegade, I'm certain you won't like the outcome...