Jeez, this isn't an easy task.
I went back and looked at both Paul and Tom's entries, and they each have the exact same picks correct for the Final Four (both had Florida and whiffed on the other three), they each have the same Elite Eight picks correct (FL, AZ, Wisky, and Michigan), they each have the same Sweet Sixteen picks correct (FL, UCLA, UVA, MSU, IaSt, AZ, SDSU, Wisky, Lou, and Michigan), and while the point allocations are different, both have final scores in the championship game which total 158 points (Paul had FL 84, Wichita St. 74; Tom had Arizona 80, UVA 78). I don't think having FL or AZ as the winner was much of a stretch, and I'd say that having WSU and UVA each losing in the NC game was about equally ballsy.
Honestly, I have no idea how to make the call on who gets second and who gets third. I think it's outrageous to go back to the first round games and try to retroactively assign some sort of greater weight (such as whichever one of them picked more upsets correctly, etc.), and I think it's only slightly less outrageous to say that Paul should take second because his champion won one more game than Tom's did.
Unless anybody has any better ideas (I'm open to suggestions, by the way!), I think the most sensible thing to do is to simply chop the pot between the two of them. Instead of divvying up the pot ~60% for 1st, ~30% for 2nd, and ~10% for third, I think something like 60/20/20 is reasonable. I (intentionally) haven't yet looked closely at who has multiple entries, etc., but given that we have 17 total entries in the pot, by giving the rounding error/benefit of the doubt to the winner, it would break down as 11 entries for first place and 3 entries each for second and third.
Does that make sense? I'd like to get feedback from the peanut gallery, but most importantly, I'd like to know that Paul and Tom are okay with this. If they want to come up with an alternative arrangement that they both agree on, I'm certainly okay with whatever they decide.
I'm shooting the two of them a PM momentarily to nudge them to weigh in publicly since we're on a pretty tight schedule...