Name my Wife's Dog Contest

Small female dogs name preference

  • Ginger

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Trixie

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Carly

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gracie

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Well no one offered up a name that she liked more then the ones in the poll and she ranked her preference just as the poll did.... 1)Gracie 2)Ginger 3) Trixy 4) Carly.

I had 25 votes for Gracie so I asked the wife to pick a number between 1 and 25...... she choose 18. I counted to the 18th person in the thread that said they voted for Gracie and the winner is........ GGiese! PM coming to you.

Thank you to all that participated.
Congrats to George & thank you Kenny for creating this fun little contest. Ahh I almost forgot congrats to Gracie as well on her new errr name! :-)
Allofus123 said:
ricmac25 said:
My suggestions would be:

Poochi (get it, poodle-chihuahua, I crack myself up)

Ric, if she likes Poochi I will get even with you. :angry: :D

That would have been awesome. Think of how cute you would have looked, "Here Poochi, Here Poochi", LOL.

Thanks for the contest Kenny.
Thanks Kenny. Congrats Horace, her first poop I'm sure is headed your way.
be careful, last time we talked about those types of dog rockets we got shut down.
bfreebern said:
Thanks Kenny. Congrats Horace, her first poop I'm sure is headed your way.

LMFAO :laugh: :laugh:

Thanks for the contest Kenny and congrats George.
I got the smokes today, and all I can say is ... WOW!!! Your gift was very much appreciated, but absolutely not necessary... Thank you!!!

Kenny - I know you had a tough time the last few weeks. I hope everything is back to normal. That's WAY more important than this contest...
Glad to hear the "dog rockets" landed. ;)

In reference to Georges comments, since I didn't post it here, Gracie was only with us for a few days before heading to the Rainbow Bridge. The vet could not pinpoint exactly what the problem was but as they tried to nurse her back to health she started developing neurological (sp?) problems that had degraded to such a severe state that we instructed the vet to put her down. I've dealt with having to make this call with several dogs when they grow old.... always questioning if its the right time or not... but in this case there was no doubt of what to do. RIP Gracie!

As those that own dogs could imagine we had a big void in our hearts. I never have been a "little" dog person but the little rug rat stole my heart. We struggled with if we should get another puppy. Lord knows that our current three dogs are more love than anyone deserves. After a long and highly debated discussion on this matter the wife won.... as usual. The debate continued with what to name this new pup and once again the wife won.(are you seeing a pattern here? LOL) Just in case anyone is interested I wanted to name her "Little Sh*t". :)

CP, meet Gracie II! :love:

Kenny good luck with Gracie II! Now tell the wife you are buying yourself a box of cigars because you know she loves you!!!!!
That's awesome, Kenny!!! She's a doll too!!! Momma's gonna spoil the crap out of her - I just know it (my momma would...)
Nice pup. I gotta get a small dog in the near future. Lexee, my grandaughter, saw a wire haired terrier of some sort. She wants one because it has bushy eyebrows...Like her grandfather. :love: Who could refuse that.

Good luck with the new one Kenny.