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Mystery Cigar Pass

Sorry i coudlnt get in there today to take part in the pass...if its cool with you guys im gonna swing by and pick it tomorrow on my way back up to maryville, and ill do mine quickly then drop it off at lorens.

Sorry boyos, Drew
ok heres smokyballs play. take pack 11 put pack 16
prize cigar is Opus BBMF (prometheus tubo)
Pretty much done with it Drew, Opusxkc made his plays and will post them later so that just leaves you. I'll be at the Outlaw from noon to six tomorrow.
Ok I put #17 and took #14. My prize stick was an Anejo #48. All done here :thumbs:
Ok guys ill be by around 1ish or so to get the box to take back up to maryville, so be prepared devilsmilk ill pm u later and loren look out itll be to u later today!
I have the box in my posession and im back in maryville, so when im odne ill give it to loren so no trouble!
I'm home and finally up out of bed. :D
Box going to loren tomorrow and then in the air later that day!!! Wohoo thanks for a great pass Brad(DM)!
I sent a picture link to ya Brad of my plays before I get the Mystery Box. Since tomorrow is a holiday, I will have them out first thing on Tuesday morning. I hope they met your approval.
Mr Peat said:
I sent a picture link to ya Brad of my plays before I get the Mystery Box. Since tomorrow is a holiday, I will have them out first thing on Tuesday morning. I hope they met your approval.

WooHoo :thumbs:

That means I'm got next ... can't wait :)
Box is here. I'm pm my P and T. My prize stick is a..........

LFD Double Ligero Lancero!!!

Sticks will be going out in the morning in which I will post a tracking number then.
Thanks once again Brad for a great pass....it was fun to participate nad it was an interesting experience!

Just a quick update before I run to the Post Office. I looked at the Prize Sticks and 2 of them didnt fail to well in the travels. They had no form of protection aka cellophane or a baggy around them. The SCLP and the VSG. I did put them in a bag each that was in the package to help prevent further damage. :)

Ok off to the PO and will be back in a little bit with a tracking # for Milan.

Again...Thanks for letting me participate.
The bird is off at the PO. The tracking # 0304 3490 0001 9902 4743.