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My wife says, "no more cigars!"-pass

cvmfour said:
Did you get my PM's Scott? ???
Hey, it's the least I can do for the guy who helped me complete my first box-split. You're in!
cigarsarge-sorry, but you have to be number 13, not 15. :D :) It wasn't your rep that got you in cigarsarge, it was the fact that I read that you were into handguns, so I figure that gig was up on keeping you out. :D :sign: BTW-I need your name and addy via PM or as a public post. I might be blind, but I didn't see it in your profile. :D :D

WAM-Great to have you! Since our cigars will be heading out to Okinawa, it would be nice to have someone close to Treamayne(relatively speaking) so that the pass wouldn't travel over a 1,000 miles without a good stop. you're in!

Just to let everyone know-I've assmbled one of the tuppedors with a humitube deal and the cigars. They are currently resting peacefully at a temp of 68 degrees adn 70 % humidity. I've also completed the puts/takes sheet with those signed up thus far(with a little help from the wife who is greatful that this has a minimal cost) and will be adding another sheet of directions and waiting to see if we have some others who want in. :D :)
Treamayne said:
I'm interested if you don't mind adding an overseas stop to your pass.  I was in Paul's (RNCCEN) first pass and it worked well ( I thought)

I'll second Tremayne's participation

Thanks Paul.....

Very well, be sure and add a pineapple or something when you get it.  you're in Treamayne!

Pineapple would be Wam's forte - Mine is Sushi or Soba.... it's Japan! Although there is *some* pinapple farms and they make a couple great Pineapple wines.

Thanks for having me and great to have Wam too.... worked real well last time when the pass started way out here and hit HI on it's way back to the West Coast.

For Moki:

SFG75 said:
cigarsarge-sorry, but you have to be number 13, not 15. :D :) It wasn't your rep that got you in cigarsarge, it was the fact that I read that you were into handguns, so I figure that gig was up on keeping you out. :D :sign:
I promice to be nice with all my weaponery. Thanks for letting me play. :D
Okay folks, looks as if we have our sweet 16. Sober and DreC, you guys are in and we have our pass!. :D :D

Thanks for the reply Moki, hoped you checked out Treamayne's pic. :)

Here's what I'll do now. As soon as Sober and DreC send me their names and addys, I'll add them to the puts/takes sheet and we'll get this baby started in haaa!. :D

If you aren't in, please wait for my next pass. :D :)
cvmfour said:
Good news :D . Hoping this starts off faster than Fast's Pass :sign:
Yeah, I don't know-every pass is different. I get into a big hurry at times and then wonder why in the hell something isn't going on. That's with work related stuff to, not just passes. But actually, the beginning part is fun. It gives you time to get to know one another better and it gives you time to add to your post-count by post-padding like randyb1. That guy post-pads like there is no tomorrow. Yes, the rest of us would NEVER do that, but nooooo, randyb1 has to be the one posting every other time on THIS thread. :D :)
You might want to watch it a little though Scotty, I do have a brand new box of Roytans picked out just special for my puts in your pass :sign: :sign: :sign:

Randyb1 said:
You might want to watch it a little though Scotty, I do have a brand new box of Roytans picked out just special for my puts in your pass :sign: :sign: :sign:

I stand corrected. :D On America's Debate that would earn you a strike. Oh well. NOT funny about the Roi-tans, we all make mistakes. . .

BTW randy, what do ya think of my new siggy?? Yeah, I know, makin' that funny face, the hand movement that a certain brother-in-law does, and voila! :D

In other news--I need two more names and addys. If I don't hear from you two by monday, the train will be leaving the station without ya! Let's get this baby on the road! :D