It’s also been my experience that you have to give yourself a "mourning period" as losing a job is a huge life impact. Don't panic and let it overwhelm you. She has 4 - 5 weeks to help with that period but can also get a jump start.
If I can offer one other experience that may help or else just tell me to just stick it where the sun don't shine. For all the sh!t I had to endure with my ex-wife in trying to save our marriage and all the stunts she pulled on me almost up to two years AFTER divorce, I will always give her credit as she was a Godsend and my "cheerleader" going through all the laid off stuff. She kept my spirits up, supported and pushed me but never gave commands nor over push. I'd get down
and do what’s called " “catastrophize" and she would bring me back toreality. So was so positive and upbeat maybe you can do the same for with her,
cheer her on, assure her everything’s going to be groovy, it’s just a small bump in the road not a sinkhole. Remember as she is not only now looking at you for support but she is facing an identity crisis so to speak. She's going from "X" amount of time to being identified as mom, wife & career woman,
the big three, now she'll only have two. Double up on the "wife" from my situation then come here and vent lol. Also keep your same routine as you
have now as in my experience once I broke mine that is when I got severely depressed as I started sleeping til noon, staying up till 1am, not exercising, eating
crappy et al. and it railroaded me. Lean on your family, that's what they are there for, bloods thicker than water. Good luck, you have been in my prayers and if you need to vent or someone who’s been through the situation first hand feel free to hit me up.