Never was a marathoner, no longer jogging am doing biking now.Brickhouse said:will definitely be tougher because I'm a bit more out of shape.
jfields said:Awesome deal Wyatt! You get in shape and you get an awesome humidor.
Of course there's always the chance you fall, break your ankle, and she refuses to buy you the humidor because you didn't finish.
MadMonk said:I'm sure you'll finish. That much preparation, and an Aristocrat, is a lot of motivation. Besides, if you don't finish, and get a nice Aristocrat, we'll all bust your balls until we go senile.
Having a nice cabinet makes the cigar lifestyle so much better. You'll really enjoy it.
Best of luck.
Bayamos said:NICE!!! Something tells me that ,"one way or another", you will get that Aristocrat humidor.........
I'd order it now and have it delivered on April 26th.......It will show that you are a positive thinker if anything else...
DePasta said:I saw the title of the thread on the main page and I was very hopeful for you..... mind meet gutter....
chiefmd said:Id recommend Hal Higdon training programs. They're free on his website.
Gavin said:I started running about 3 months ago, at the time unable to complete a mile without walking. Last week I ran 7 miles, which is farther than I've ever been able to run at any point in my life. Since you've done a 10 mile race before, I have faith you'll be able to pull this off with no problem. Personally my own training regimen often consists of a cigar, a 5 mile run, and then another cigar. I'm thinking about branding it like Crossfit. It's gonna be huge. Good luck, Wyatt, and keep us posted.
chiefmd said:Id recommend Hal Higdon training programs. They're free on his website.