My Scotch Room

Damn, Randy. Great looking set up, my friend. How the hell do you decide on what to drink?

I'm not going to lie sometimes it drives me crazy. I limit myself to 3-6 oz per week unless I'm in Vegas where limits mean nothing.

I have only had the coolidor a short while and yes I am quite aware it's kind of sad to look at. The last time I counted I had 210 cigars which is a 3-4 year supply for me.

Mid 2006 I bought my 1st bottles of Macallan 12 and Oban 14 because they were on sale at Osco. That put me up to 6-7 bottles of scotch and prompted the idea the idea or a whisky collection.

Going off topic I found this board by googling Macallan 30 review after a trip to Vegas where I was treated to a few glasses by a generous high rolling buddy. I remember thinking: What kind of crazy bastid has over 100 bottles of booze on his wall? :sign:
that is a beautiful room (sheds tear). I hope to have one one day.
Love it! I have always wanted to do the same but I am in California and couldn't stomach the thought of an earthquake taking it all away.
I realize it's considered bad form to top an old tread, especially a look at me type thread like this one but I though a few might get a kick out of seeing the new swag I added to my scotch room recently. 
I made this one my avatar. No excuse in forgetting my name now! 

I don't know about you guys but some bottles are hard to throw away. As you can see I made a lamp out of this one. 

I swapped out my cooler for a larger cooler and finally a Wine A Dor. Like most of you I contacted Forrest and had some shelves and drawers made. 

The one thing I find troublesome is the more swag I put in the room the less room I have for scotch! 
PS-A new thread seemed worse! 
That is off the hook!  My daughter is a HS Senior and we just got back from a college planning event.  I just showed this to her and said "Buh-bye!"  She is now sitting across the room asking "No, seriously, Dad, you're going to keep my room the same, right?  Dad?  Dad?" 
WOW Randy that is insane! I am glad you bumped this I had never seen it. Thanks for sharing.

I'd say some day - but all the scotch I buy I drink up to fast-

Nice room Randy !
I'm not sure about this and I'm definitely not an expert on the subject....but I think you have a drinking problem.
The problem being, you don't drink enough! 
Awesome room to hang in, it must be fun after a round of golf or on Saturdays & Sundays watching football. If I had a scotch selection like that, I'd be in the Betty Ford Clinic before the Bowls & Playoffs started... :thumbs:
That is a beautiful room!  I wish I could do something like that.
Very nice additions to the room. Thanks for sharing and enjoy!
Sweet setup man ! I starting my plan for my spot at home but it seems it goes down the priority list everytime I speak about with the gf. Lol

One day.
louich said:
Sweet setup man ! I starting my plan for my spot at home but it seems it goes down the priority list everytime I speak about with the gf. Lol

One day.
Girlfriends now have as much power as a wife these days? Boy, the times they sure are a changin'.... :laugh:
Very nice.I feel as though one should genuflect when entering.
Bayamos said:
Very nice.I feel as though one should genuflect when entering.
Good one! You made me laugh.

My friends wife called my lamp tacky. I guess it is but then again so am I.