My placebo effect

Dude... just find a $2-$4 dollar cigar you like and smoke the hell out of it. No one cares. I enjoy AF Curly Head Deluxe quite often. You're not going to change the world with a $3 smoke, no matter how great it is.

Now, if you have a method of making Bud Light taste like a KBS... we can talk.

Dude... just find a $2-$4 dollar cigar you like and smoke the hell out of it. No one cares. I enjoy AF Curly Head Deluxe quite often. You're not going to change the world with a $3 smoke, no matter how great it is.

Now, if you have a method of making Bud Light taste like a KBS... we can talk.

Mind powers, didn't ya read?
The part I found disturbing and what a truly sick person he is by talking about Jeffrey Dahmer boiling black peoples body parts and the house smelling like chitlins.
For those who haven't taken the 23 minutes to watch Smokin Giovanna review of a Legend Ario Connie, please do so and see him in action. It is worth watching.
Was going to, but didn't want to give him an additional view lol
Giovanni, I watched a few of your review videos. Really interesting. Had a few follow up questions for you because I'd like to learn more about your methods.

Do you put Windex in the cigars directly or is that just a note you taste?
Are you storing gym socks in your humidor? Or is perhaps a part of the aging process leaving the cigars out in your room and you have gym socks on the floor?
When you buy Grape White Owls and save the tubes, how long does it take after storing a cigar in those tubes to get that wonderful grape flavor?

I've never had those flavors in a cigar. I'm not sure I'd want to ever have those flavors in a cigar. Personally, I go for nutty or peppery over gym socks and Windex. But I must say, I certainly can't tell the difference between Windex and those bargain brands at Target. You've truly proven yourself as the window cleaner aficionado.
Ok, now I think I'm going to have to watch it
I mean it, you all are off your rocker.. you want to attack the new guy? go ahead but I wont lay down too easily new or not. This is freedom of speech here at stake.

I know I'm late to the party, but "freedom of speech" does not mean what you think it does.

Ok I have 3 cigars and 3 pictures of each one.

In the first, it is a barber pole mild to medium smoke. It draws good but tastes harsh at the start then gets a bit better as it goes down but nothing great either. So I figure I put some age on it and an old label from some cheaper cigar I got some time ago, and my thought process is, it could maybe exceed that other one I put the label on, but maybe not.. I have the least hope for that one out of the 3.

Next is the Castros Back Room label and threw that on a cheap 2 dollar hand rolled stick I got with no label, like a generic rolled one kind of. I age it with wood in a bag for the first 3 weeks or so then I switch it over to this humidor tube with the Styrofoam cap on top. It used to be a HELIX cigar so it was an infused. BTW that was a pretty good smoke so I wonder what effects that will have on this cigar too from the smells the Helix once had. And the reason I threw on the Castros wrapper was that it was a cigar shop I used to go into where I have many fine memories. I want to see if I pick up tastes similar to what I'd imagine in that bar. The point of it is to feel that atmosphere when I look at that label more than anything and I'd put a different spin on it through a Helix cigar tube.. might create an interesting aging process for the next however many weeks. The thoughts that come to mind would be one evening I remember where I had an infused rose/raspberry flavored cigar and then I believe I had a normal medium maduro after I had that so hopefully this cigar crosses between those seeing I put it in a tube from the Helix and whatever ferments, I am sure it will be good.

The last one is CAO Italia. I got the right size cigar but again, was a 2 dollar stick, about a 5X50 I would imagine. Roughly around the same size as the other CAOs. This is a label I once saved from 5 years ago I think so I wanted to put it on this cigar to see if I can get what I perceive to be a similar taste to the CAO Italia. If It smokes fine, that's good enough.

This is all a mental experiment I am conducting because I am the kind of person that when it comes to cigar smoking, the little things really matter. I hate when I am out somewhere like when I was at a shop recently, and you cant converse to some people about cigars too much, they just ring you up and go at a very fast speed. That to me isn't a cigar smoking experience and sometimes what that does is, it can lead to small things that really matter, like a few staff members may toss your wrappers in the trash when they are clearly in your possession. You can even tell them about it and they'll keep doing it. Nothing gets me more upset. So yes I am the type where little things matter in this game. The little things matter in life too I find. Big things only come from little things usually and even when a big thing hits, would you fully be ready for it? I think little things contribute big in our society.

Going to leave this quoted post here, just in case by some miracle he doesn't flame out and disappear. This way we have him admitting in his own words he likes to re-band cigars.
Did he really say that?

In at least two places he mentions Dahmer.
He was admiring his cigars ash and compared it to Dahmer admiring his victim's bodies. Then later he mentions the boiling of the bodies smelling like chitlins.
His Bucanero Bundelo Zia video would be enough in it of itself. He discussed how he has anger problems, how he wishes sometimes that it was legal to kill people when they make too much noise and he's trying to enjoy a cigar, his hand is bloody from a recent fight so he talks about how he gets into fights because he won't put up with BS.

Honestly, I feel really bad for this guy. There's trolls, and then there's cases like this where people do have legitimate and serious health problems.

I know I hope he's got a support system of some kind.
Giovanni, all BS aside. You should seek assistance. We've all needed help from time to time and there is nothing wrong with using meds to provide assistance for living a healthy life. You seem to be a pretty smart guy, you should be smart enough to know its ok to ask for help. Maybe you can find some helpful resources here:

Seriously. Pick up the phone, talk to someone, scream, yell, cry, be angry, be sad, whatever, just talk to someone.
Giovanni, all BS aside. You should seek assistance. We've all needed help from time to time and there is nothing wrong with using meds to provide assistance for living a healthy life. You seem to be a pretty smart guy, you should be smart enough to know its ok to ask for help. Maybe you can find some helpful resources here:

Seriously. Pick up the phone, talk to someone, scream, yell, cry, be angry, be sad, whatever, just talk to someone.

Yeah, I quit poking and ragging on the guy once I watched one of his video's.