My new (to me) strategy


Sep 8, 2003
I decided last night that I have to change my habano smoking strategy in order to be able to get some nap time on some of my cigars. Since I'm just starting to get a couple of boxes and have a few single I've decided to put away the boxes and resist them as much as possible for a while. and I'll buy fivers and do splits to get cigars that I want to smoke right away or in the near future.

anyone else do something similar to this? or do you have a different strategy? or do you just not give a sh!t?

Boxes and 5ers! Either way if its a box full I save 5 and put them deep in the humi and smoke and trade the rest as I get to them. And if its a 5er I put 2 away and trade or smoke the other three!
As one of the FOG's said before, with a new box, take out one row to smoke and put the other one away.
I am actually considering a similar strategy, only it goes like this:

Buy a box: pull out 4-6 to smoke, put the rest away.
Buy a half-box: pull out 2-4 to smoke, put the rest away.
Buy fivers or tens: leave em to smoke.
Always buy aged when I can. Otherwise 2003.

And once I am back making a steady pay check and get things back in order, I plan on buying a box and a half a month if I can.

With Domestics, I am thinking of sticking with fivers and occassional tens. I have just found that I perfer regular line ISOM's for the most part better than most of the high shelf's - and in the end is a cheaper route for me to go when comparing what I like/don't like in both markets.

Anyway good luck with your strategy and let me know how it pans out!

Most of my new production boxes go untouched in to the bottom of my coolers. Fivers and other splits I smoke/trade/bomb. It's good to have a plan :D
Sam's strategy works for me. Decided that from now on it's going to be boxes or 1/2 splits when I buy things I'm already familiar with, otherwise 5'ers. This is gonna apply both to domestics and ISOMs.

No more full boxes of unknowns based on word-of-mouth or catalog descriptions. I just sent out a number of newbie bombs on HP of sticks that just don't cut it for me anymore. What a waste of money, but the charity feels good. :D
lucasbuck said:
Most of my new production boxes go untouched in to the bottom of my coolers. Fivers and other splits I smoke/trade/bomb. It's good to have a plan :D
And just how many production boxes has that strategy dealt with? :0
I like the Conehead approach, buy mass quantities of what you like. By the time you get near the end they will have been aged.
Smoke all your domestics and let your habanos age.
Once you go to the darkside, you'll never look back.

I was smoking so many cubans, I forgot all about my cooler full of premium domestics. Now that they have years of age, I'll smoke those from now on while the cubans nap. Wont; be the same though :(
avid toker said:
Smoke all your domestics and let your habanos age.
Once you go to the darkside, you'll never look back.

I was smoking so many cubans, I forgot all about my cooler full of premium domestics. Now that they have years of age, I'll smoke those from now on while the cubans nap. Wont; be the same though :(
Sell the domestics and buy some Habanos to smoke now :thumbs:
i went through this awhile back, if you smoke the fivers and age the boxes you go through the fivers and since you may not have a box of them and as many of us buy fivers of more pricey cigars thatwe may not be able to afford a whole you may want too lay some of those down also...mmm so crack the box ans age fivers you say? yes then you can smoke some and still have some left...but if in 5 yr.s there sooo good youll wish you saved the whole box..mmm then as fast4dr said, you want too buy them too smoke and enjoy now as you may not be alive too smoke them in 5 yr.s who knows? so all i can say is this hobby is too be enjoyed first by smoking them now...then if you have enough money you buy not 1 box but 2! one for now and one for ageing...i believe the guys that have aged had enough money too buy multiple boxes of the same vitola. soon one has so many boxes what too smoke and what to age isnt a problem as your forced to age as one cant smoke so many boxes as fast as one is get another job for your an occasional side job and buy a few boxes at a timethen when you have 50-100 boxes believe me youll have no problems ageing some. :thumbs: