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My Koi Pond


Angry Fish
Oct 17, 2008
Fixed it up this year since it was neglected for the last few. It is almost done need a little more landscaping and need to more the small filter back behind the larger one. It now has 14 small Koi in it and that are doing great. 

Nice project Chester. I'm sure the kids love it!
Watch out for herons and cranes. Holy cow, they won't leave it alone until they eat every last fish.
Wow I'm impressed. Looks really nice almost like a photo from Better Homes magazine.
Thanks guys I will try and get a picture of the Koi theys are still small 4-7 inches.
Looks very nice, plus the kids will get an education in helping you out and watching them grow. Feeding them will be a high point.
Really nice job! I'll post some pictures of my Koi pond this week as well. Our pond was originally setup with a built in 2 HP pump with a sand filter. After having trouble trying to keep the water clean, and the filter from constantly clogging up, I decided to remove the sand and replace it with bio media. I started leaving the filter on 24/7, and my electric bill sky rocketed! Also, I was still having trouble trying to maintain a clean pond.
Earlier this year I purchased one of these: http://www.webbsonline.com/Item/R440021?gclid=CKCn8ZLW6r8CFcI7MgodeEIAqA
It's an all in one pond filter, with a built in UV light. The UV light has really made a huge difference, no more algae! The water finally remains crystal clear. Not sure if you have a UV filter, but if not, definitely get one. You can go to Lowes and buy just a UV filter for like $20, and it will keep your water clear (however you still need to filter out the particles). The all in one consumes very little power, and I haven't noticed any change in my electric bill. Some of these Koi companies will tell you that you have to spend literally thousands of dollars on a filtration system, that's complete BS. You can make your own system for just a few hundred dollars, or simply buy an all in one unit. The unit I have filters I believe up to 2500 gallons.
Unfortunately I lost about 15 fish recently to a Blue Heron. I caught the damn thing several times trying to eat my fish.  It stands close to 5 feet tall! Anyway, it puts its big beak in the water, and scoops up the fish. I ended up buying some bird netting to put over the pond, which has since kept the Heron away.

I just looked at the picture closer, and it looks like you built your own filtration system. What are you using?
Tried the sand filter sucked. my pool pump broke this year and was using way to much electric so i bought a submersible pump Lifegard Aquatics 5300 PG Water Pump http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00IEJIG1E/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 to put in my skimmer box and made a filter out of a green 33 gallon Rubbermaid Brut garbage can with lava rock and springflo media http://www.123ponds.com/sf01.html?utm_source=sf01&utm_medium=shopping%2Bengine&utm_campaign=googleproducts&gclid=CjwKEAjwjN2eBRDbyPWl0JLY5lYSJACPo0UiCw1Ky8faCVTQyCj8VqbchaJVsbQGytFrC0h0XbWoyRoCvrnw_wcB i had from my old 16 gallon Rubbermaid storage tub filter. I also had a small tetra p3 filter laying around so i added that on after the UV also. Never had a issues with herrings but the pond is almost 4 feet at is deepest spot and i am not to close it water (Knock on wood) so i have never seen one in my yard. 
I scared a heron away shortly after I built my pond.  He never came back, so I can only assume he died that day.  I put bullhead minnows in last year for mosquito control.  They're flourishing, so I suppose they are eating well.  I switched to a dry pump that pulled significantly less amps than my wet one.  It runs nonstop at a cost of about $20 a month.  I use lava rock, brillo pads, UV and a gravel bottom for a filter.  Water is clear.
I am jealous of these koi ponds. I know they take some work but the results are usually well worth the time.
We had a couple of ponds at the farm, about 1.5 acres each and I loaded them with baitfish then noticed the blue and someone scared it off with a .22, can only assume it found its happy hunting/fishing grounds.