My first box purchase was RP's Vintage 1992. Actually my first two box purchases; I split the second one with a friend. And I have to say, I deeply regret not buying a 100 count box of the Edge Sumatra FIRST release. It went to shit immediately after that, but that first one . . . man! And the OWR . . . y'know, I had two pre-release of those that were amazing, smoked them with a good friend and we were both just blown away, and then the actual release was a bit underwhelming, although I do have to say that the OWR maduro torp, the short one, at blow out clearance prices was a nice smoke at a great price point.
Like so many others that have come and gone---Don Lino Africa was amazing for awhile and then WTF? for example---I just can't bring myself to even try any of RP's stuff. Nowadays I'm all San Cristobal, Ashton, Tatuaje, Illusione, and whatever Pepin's doing.