"My first Pass Ever" Pass

In case I don't respond to something till next week, I'm going to Ixtapa, Mexico tomorrow morning for a bachelor party. I'm going to see what I can get down there to bring back. Have a great weekend. :D :D :thumbs:
Ok added the potential pass order..please take a look..any comments suggestions?

1 Wam79 (HI)
2 Nic (WA)
3 Cigaraholic (CA)
4 jphmojo (AZ)
5 Texasaggie (TX)
6 Camaroon4me (MI)
7 Cigarsarge (TN)
8 Surferonthecrystalcoast (NC)
9 Other1 (NY)
10 Coventrycat86 (CT)
11 Geldor1 (FL)
12 Rnccen (FL)


My only though is maybe it makes sense to do something like stop in TX before off to Hawaii to make it a shorter leg. Might get pretty hot going from FL->Hawaii. Then again, if packed well it doesn't much matter.
I will join the pass if there is still room. I have done two trades and the newbie box pass thing, but never a real pass. PM sent.
Added Golfgar & Servebig...welcome..just need the addy's...1 more slot left...:)

Getting pretty excited here. Just got back from a small vacation filled with several stops at microbreweries between upper Michigan and Green Bay Wisconsin! Last stop was Frankenmuth MI for the World Beer Expo! I got to sample quite a few excellent microbrews from around the country, and also picked up a good number of pint glasses to add to my collection.
Couldn't enjoy any smokes though, allergies nailed me pretty good :( dying to fire one up pretty soon and just smokin out the damn bugs.

One note on the pass, would it save on shipping to go from Texas to NC and TN before swinging up to Michigan? Than I could send it on to NY for the east coast swing and down to FL? Just a thought.

Its pretty cool seeing how this develops. Thanks again for letting me play, and I appreciate the hard work involved in making these things happen.
Any suggestions on what types of smokes to send to the troops? God Bless them!
I'm interested if you can take adding in an overseas stop, since I'm at an APO address in Japan. If it's going to HI then it should only be 3-4 days Priority to me and back out the next stop (me to MI is usually 6 days priority)

Hmm. There could be advantages in an overseas stop... :sneaky:
WOW if Treamayne is included we will be covering 1/2 of the planet!!
Heck of a first pass rnccen. :thumbs:
If this happens maybe better to start in Japan and work it's way back. The mail time from Hawaii to the mainland is usually 2-3 days. That way the box won't be untended for to long.Whatever is decided this is sounds interesting. :)

Thank you...I am looking forward to the box return to see whats inside...I hope the efforts are fruitfull..:)

Pass will kick off shortly

I think Paul and I are gonna run a quick test of teh turn around time from him to me and back do decide whether it's acceptable for the pass to swing my way. We'll keep y'all posted. Wish me luck.

Ok guys...finalized the Cigar list & almost finalized the pass order, just waiting to see what happens with a test box to an APO AP in Japan.

There is 1 more slot available


For all those interested... Paul's test box of goodies It seems that it was sent on 30 May 04 (EST) and arrived here 3 Jun 04 (GMT+9 - 2 Jun EST).

I would call that a decent success. I sent a package to Paul on 2 Jun 04 so we can time the reverse routing as well, so wwe'll see when he gets it.


The TN, MI, NC, CT, FLORIDA thing seems a little screwy. How about this:

1 Wam79 (HI)
2 Nic (WA)
3 servebig (CA, SF area)
4 Cigaraholic (CA, SD area)
5 jphmojo (AZ)
6 Texasaggie (TX)
7 Golfgar (MO)
8 Cigarsarge (TN)
9 Camaroon4me (MI)
10 Coventrycat86 (CT)
11 Other1 (NY)
12 Surferonthecrystalcoast (NC)

13 Geldor1 (FL)
14 Rnccen (FL)

The way you had it, there was too much distance between stops.
Than I could send it on to NY for the east coast swing and down to FL? Just a thought.
No offense but it's a LOUSY idea though :D there are way too many miles between CT/NY & Florida. My main concern is the price of postage. For instance, it costs me $6.00 and change to send a pass to NY/NJ but over $12.00 to send it to Florida.

I just got stuck sending a pass to Texas and the next one to Florida so I for one am not up for another $12.00+ postage bill for a pass. Priority mail rates are a function of how far the package has to travel. North Carolina is pretty much the halfway point between New England/NY and Florida.
Well SorrrRRRrRrRRrry! I'll paypal you the difference.

I don't take paypal :D
Two Sir Winstons will be just fine :sign: :p

You know, I'm just kidding, right ??? ;) :p :0 :sneaky:
I like CC's order. That way I can take all his puts. :sneaky: ;)