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My first bowl, with my first pipe


J.C. Newman owes me royalties.
Apr 12, 2006
Just got my first "owned" pipe in the mail today, along with what I call a "starter kit" of accessories.

Got me a Savinelli Duca Carlo bent along with a Columbus leather combo pouch, pipe zippo, tool, and some cleaners.

Went outside at 2300 tonight and had me a nice, day ending bowl or two :).

Thanks for filling my pouch up with tobaccy Lima Whiskey, great stuff!!
Welcome to the world of pipes. Its a great hobby and very rewarding. :D
Brick, I just did the same!!

It was great, even while trying to break in a new pipe. Holy jeez, there's so much to learn about this too!!!!!

The Bride's gonna be pissed.Not 'cause of the money,but due to the time I spend reading up on stuff!!

I live in an area that has a severe lack of any decent type of pipe tobacco (unless I buy Sail or Borkum Riff or something).

Would anyone be interested to send me a sampler of their favourites? I'll trade cigars or send cash, just let me know.


Yeah Wyatt, you and LW started something. I ordered a PETERSON and it arrived over the weekend......I'm really starting to like pipes...... :)

I also called my dad in Green Bay who used to smoke pipes and he still has his collection. So when I get home he'll give it too me. :cool:

So far, from LW's collection of tobacco, I like the BLUE NOTE and NIGHT CAP the best. His Raspberry is very good too.

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Great! We'll have to have a separate pipe herf now as well, lol.

Can't wait to see the pipe.
Me, too! I used to smoke years ago but barely scratched the surface before I gave it up. I still have the pipe so I am looking into what to put in it. Enjoy!
Would anyone be interested to send me a sampler of their favourites? I'll trade cigars or send cash, just let me know.



Jim, try the build your own samplers here : http://www.pipesandcigars.com/ruouhobl.html.

Drop down to the bottom of the page, you can get a selection of 6 2oz blends to try for $25.99. I have tried most of them not a loser in the bunch. :thumbs:
Welcome to the DarkSide Wyatt you and high-n-tight both bought nice briars...hope you enjoy em and dont forget to rest em a bit between smokes it really does make for a tastier time...and to top it all off
all the famous warrior kings smoked pipes
...hope you enjoy em and dont forget to rest em a bit between smokes it really does make for a tastier time...

Thanks and I AM really enjoying it.

Any cleaning tips? Right now I just run a cleaner through it after each smoke.

THANKS..... :thumbs: :thumbs: