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My CoRo from vitasea

vitasea said:
i can not understand these problems that your having with my cigars. i have smoked many of these and get a good even burn, a solid firm ash dark gray with some black in it. the ash will stay on till you ash it. my shipping method was quick and crude and may have contributed to the problem. i've resent samples to all who have complained about crushed heads and feet. the moister thing has me also confused as my humidor is about 65 65, would wraping them in plasic wrap cause that?
i have used two + boxes & many more $ on postage and wraping so i don't take this lightly
have only heard from 3 or 4 members what about the other 30???

Vitasea, I don't see your point in all this. Why are you trying to convince everyone that these are real? If you're only here to sell cigars, go elsewhere. If you're here to make an effort to become a contributing member, stop trying so damn hard to be liked. Join in on the board, post in threads other then your cigar threads. I just don't get it, sorry :(
bfreebern said:
Vitasea, I don't see your point in all this. Why are you trying to convince everyone that these are real? If you're only here to sell cigars, go elsewhere. If you're here to make an effort to become a contributing member, stop trying so damn hard to be liked. Join in on the board, post in threads other then your cigar threads. I just don't get it, sorry :(

I have pretty much come to this opinion also. Real or not, if you are here just to sell stuff that's fine, but let's not continue the debate any longer. CP welcomes vendors to post, which is different from a lot of other boards. But, we also ask that in doing so, they respect the other membership and keep it to the sales forum, unless they plan to be more than just a vendor. We have some great vendors here who also participate in other parts of the board.
vitasea said:
i can not understand these problems that your having with my cigars. i have smoked many of these and get a good even burn, a solid firm ash dark gray with some black in it. the ash will stay on till you ash it. my shipping method was quick and crude and may have contributed to the problem. i've resent samples to all who have complained about crushed heads and feet.

While the shipping method could contribute to the burn problems, I don't see how it could radically affect the taste; please don't send me anything else.
OK, I got it now. I wasn't even thinking along those lines before.

emodx said:
I'm sure there is a retired police officer that could whip that cold right outta ya! :laugh:
A box of PSD #4......$200

A box of Padron 1926 #9........$425

A sample of vitasea's "Cohiba's"........Free

The look on Eric face when he smoked it........Priceless!!
LC-Smoker said:
A box of PSD #4......$200

A box of Padron 1926 #9........$425

A sample of vitasea's "Cohiba's"........Free

The look on Eric face when he smoked it........Priceless!!

Yes I would like to sell some cigars and contribute to this forum. I’m retired and have a large sail boat in FL that I cannot afford. For the past 5 years I have delivered tons of meds, medical equipment, clothes personal care items to Cuba. Selling cigars supports this work which I think is very important.

One year I got 300 t-shirts donated be cause of a printing error on them. There were 20 med 20 lg and the rest xl,xxl xxxl,they were huge, Anyway my Cuban Dr friend said this is great we can use these as gowns in the childrens ward which they did. It was heart warming to see a room full of kids with Mutual of Omaha t-shirts on. I have a lot of letters from Drs thanking me for what I do. Dr Gilberto who is a thoracic surgeon is lucky to have aspirin to admister to his patients. Medical care is free in Cuba but very little drugs are available, sure you buy them at a government pharmacy but few people can afford them.

So that’s my story believe it or not, by the way I have received PM’s from members that liked my samples,
While I'm not part of this sampling I'm going to throw 2 cents in here. Not long ago I did a blind taste test with about 15 people and 3 different cigars. The results were all across the board on all three cigars. There was not one cigar out of the group that everyone loved or hated. One person would score a cigar harsh while another would score it mild. One would say it was Cuban the other say it was domestic. If you like you can read it here...... BLIND REVIEW II

The reason I bring this up is because to have a subjective tasting you can not smoke a cigar after reading someone else's reviews. If you read the above test we did you'll understand what I'm saying. As for if the cigars are Authenic? I'm not sure a majority of the people here smoking them have enough experience to make that call. Sorry, calling it as I see it.

This lends nothing to this person hawking his wares just that these tastings have been tainted by the posting of reviews and a less than qualified panel of judges..... cary on! :)

Some like Vanilla and others like Chocolate.
vitasea said:
Medical care is free in Cuba but very little drugs are available, sure you buy them at a government pharmacy but few people can afford them.

That is exactly what my mother said regarding Cuba's "free healthcare" (she's done medical missions there as well).
Allofus123 said:
I'm not sure a majority of the people here smoking them have enough experience to make that call. Sorry, calling it as I see it.

This lends nothing to this person hawking his wares just that these tastings have been tainted by the posting of reviews and a less than qualified panel of judges..... cary on! :)

Well, you may very well be right Kenny -- certainly there are many cigars that I wouldn't be able to pick out if it were a blind test. I'm going to be stubborn on this one tho, only because Cohiba's have a fairly distinctive taste profile, and at least the "Esplendido"s that he sent to Neal and I were utterly repulsive smokes.

Both because they have fairly distinctive tastes, and because I've smoked a number of them... Padróns, Opus, Cohibas, and a few other lines, I'm fairly confident I'd be able to identify. However...

Reminds me of some blind testing they did with Coke and Pepsi. Diehard Coke/Pepsis fans were utterly unable to pick out one from the other with any consistency at all. The split was almost exactly down the middle, despite some people having a very strong preference for one or the other going into it.

When the brands were put back on the Coke/Pepsi, then the ratio changed dramatically in terms of what people liked (Coke won). It was a textbook case of the power of branding.

Which reminds me of a guy at our club, who "smokes only Cubans" -- another guy there slipped a Cohiba band on a $3 domestic cigar, and gave it to him. This was a guy who would flat-out refuse to smoke anything but Cubans. He absolutely loved the cigar, was waxing on and on about how wonderful it was. But then again, he's an idiot. ;)

In the end, the bottom line is that most people here have trusted sources they buy from, and aren't about to bother with yet another "friend at the factory" story. These always seem to turn out that either the seller is deceptive, or the seller was duped by these wonderful "friends at the factory".

Certainly that alone isn't damning -- some people do indeed have these contacts -- but that combined with how this cigar smoked... more than enough for me. Everyone should of course take that opinion with a grain of salt, and make up their own minds.
Allofus123 said:
As for if the cigars are Authenic? I'm not sure a majority of the people here smoking them have enough experience to make that call. Sorry, calling it as I see it.

I would be in that category, which is why I wouldn't even try to add my 2 cents to the debate. Hopefully, others with little experience will do the same.

However... I'm still waiting on Lucasbuck... :whistling:

It seems that Vitasea at least believes he is selling the real McCoy. Usually the shysters that come around here selling us cigars that they know are fake are long gone at this point in the game. They realize the FOGs here aren't getting to let it happen and move on to eBay or whatever. Vitasea has stuck it out and made a good faith effort to let us check his wares, and that is nice. i don't think I've seen that in my year or so on this forum. I don't think we'll ever get concensus on these cigars, but hopefully Vitasea will stick around and become an active member. It sounds like he whould have some interesting stories to share, and he could learn a bunch while here. And he may sell some smokes along the way.
JimK said:
. I don't think we'll ever get concensus on these cigars, but hopefully Vitasea will stick around and become an active member.

Regarding the cigars, keep in mind that we're talking about a few different brands and vitolas that he's sending out: I was sent an Esplendido, others were sent CoRos, and some PSDs/Montes.

As for Vitasea sticking around and participating in this forum, I agree, I hope he does so! :)
moki said:
Well, you may very well be right Kenny -- certainly there are many cigars that I wouldn't be able to pick out if it were a blind test. I'm going to be stubborn on this one tho, only because Cohiba's have a fairly distinctive taste profile, and at least the "Esplendido"s that he sent to Neal and I were utterly repulsive smokes.

In the end, the bottom line is that most people here have trusted sources they buy from

Reread my post as it had nothing to do with the authenticity or not of these sticks yall are talking about.

Repeat after me......Trusted Sources! ;) :cool:
Allofus123 said:
Reread my post as it had nothing to do with the authenticity or not of these sticks yall are talking about.

Repeat after me......Trusted Sources! ;) :cool:

I tried to tell ya the same thing about those hookers in Tijuana, Kenny -- no way they were authentic red heads... but did you listen? *sigh* :whistling:

moki said:
Allofus123 said:
Reread my post as it had nothing to do with the authenticity or not of these sticks yall are talking about.

Repeat after me......Trusted Sources!  ;)  :cool:

I tried to tell ya the same thing about those hookers in Tijuana, Kenny -- no way they were authentic red heads... but did you listen? *sigh* :whistling:


The carpet didn't match the drapes?
Hey I'm colored blind so sue me. :p :cool:

Of course Andrew must have been drunker than I not to realize that it wasn't Tijuana. Maybe Reynosa, Matamoros, or Jimenez but not Tijuana. (I think there's a geography lesson in there somewhere :) )
Red heads in TJ next your going to say they were natural and mexican to boot. lol :laugh: