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My cigars wrapper keeps splitting

Of all the cigars to evaluate this issue with, it's hard to use a Gurkha cigar that mostly use very thin wrapper leaves. Under perfect storage conditions they can split if you smoke them outdoors with a slight cold breeze. What other brands of cigars do you have in there? Do you have the same issues with them too?

The recommendation of moistening the cigar is a good one. My technique is to wet a paper towel, wring it out, and roll the cigar in it for a few minutes.

You're on the right track, experimentation is an ongoing practice for all of us cigar smokers.
Problem with Gurkha id the wrappers fall off all of them. Have pretty much all of Rocky Patel's stuff and some off them split too. Actually have had problems with all of them except Nub and Opus.
Hmm never thought about it till now but seems like all the sticks i get off internet Are the one I have issues with except Excalibur they seem to always smoke well and taste smooth.When i buy from local B&M i always smoke them right away.
From my brief experience, it's usually just that cigar. Case-in-point, I am currently smoking an Oliva V Maduro and the wrapper is cracking in front of the burn. A couple months ago, I would have been really concerned, as I hadn't smoked enough to realize that some just do it . . . just like some will be duds and some won't burn properly. 9 out of 10 of my cigars burn and taste just fine, so I'm resting easier with my assumption and the more experienced advice that it's usually just that particular stick. If the other cigars in your humidor are fine, rest easy. If not, you've got a problem.
How bad is the splitting? Does it make the draws more airy and less flavorful?

As mentioned above 65% RH beads will be a good test.

You say they start to crack about 1/2 way through; perhaps your smoking method is something to consider. Try lighter puffs throughout the session and see it there are any significant changes. A tendency for me is to take large puffs, especially on the larger sticks.

I have noticed some minor splitting on some of my larger gauge smokes and I usually attest that to the thinner wrappers and longer draws; but, the affect on the draw and flavor is negligible. Part of enjoying the smoke is taking a peak at the cigar and admiring what those great flavors are coming from, so I smell what you're stepping in with this frustration.

Let us know if you find out why... reporting back the answer to the solution will be helpful to me and possibly many others.