Mr. Mac is a Good Guy Herf (2/9 or 10)

Okay gentlemen! Here is the Mickey Mouse roll call as far as I can tell - add to it or subtract if wrong:

1. Altercall - charcoal if needed
2. Tasman - desert and sodas
3. Preembargo -
4. Bargogirl - Chicken, cheesecake
5. G&C88 - paper and plastic goods.
6. dk_ace -
7. Rebel Herfer - Taco Salad / Chili
8. Mr. Mac - here in spirit
9. MX - Brisket, Dr.Pepper
10. Sept - tequila (this should be fun)
11. Niko - brats and buns again

Julie, does this look about right? After all I did steal it from your post.
Anything else that looks like we might need?


Julie won't be making this, she's back in the hospital. Please keep her in your prayers.


If memory serves me (it usually doesn't), don't you guys have an oven there? If so, I'm bringing a hashbrown casserole (I just need a way to heat it up when I get there). If not, I'll think of something else. I was able to clear my schedule pretty well and it looks like I'll be there around one.


No stove, but we have two microwaves.

OK, OK. Enough with the arm twisting. We'll be there.



We're looking forward to seeing everyone. And yes Jim, I am talking in the plural.

We'll bring chip and dip and a vege tray.

See ya' then.


Excellent Gary! So glad you and Denise will be there.

Mike, I hope all is well, I will keep her in my thoughts

Ok, Guys and Gals what do you think about this.....

I had an idea for the herf and wanted your thoughs and input. I was thinking about a "Mini-Pass" i will supply the starting lineup of smokes about 15-20 should be fine. And the all the members of the Herf can do a max of 3 puts and takes. I can just keep a tuppy with all the cigars in it and either carry it around with me, or leave it out somewhere kinda central to the festivities. I would like to say that the only rule would be 1 for 1 on the puts and takes, everything else I dont really care about because I dont own a cigar that I would not give away so $$ for $$ is not an issue for me.

What do ya think.

Ok, Guys and Gals what do you think about this.....

I had an idea for the herf and wanted your thoughs and input. I was thinking about a "Mini-Pass" i will supply the starting lineup of smokes about 15-20 should be fine. And the all the members of the Herf can do a max of 3 puts and takes. I can just keep a tuppy with all the cigars in it and either carry it around with me, or leave it out somewhere kinda central to the festivities. I would like to say that the only rule would be 1 for 1 on the puts and takes, everything else I dont really care about because I dont own a cigar that I would not give away so $$ for $$ is not an issue for me.

What do ya think.


It's funny you would mention that. I think we've said that we had to put something like that together the last three herfs we've had, yet we haven't gotten around to doing it. I think it would be great, and I'll definately participate.

We can't do that with Dean around, he'll take all the good cigars and leave the crap. :laugh:

Or the other way around. :sign:
We can't do that with Dean around, he'll take all the good cigars and leave the crap. :laugh:

Or the other way around. :sign:

Hmmmmm? What can I do this time? :sign: :sign: :sign:

By the way I will be leaving here about 10am so that will get me down there about 12:15.
Been lurkin' on this thread but now it's time go put up...

First, I must ask; 'what's the best guestimate of a headcount?'
AND, while I wait for a headcount...we will, as before, be giving 15%OFF to those CPer's who come the 'show'.
Been lurkin' on this thread but now it's time go put up...

First, I must ask; 'what's the best guestimate of a headcount?'

First of all, hey there....

Not sure of the head count, should we use 2 for the boys and 1 for the girls? but really, somewhere up above is a list of what most of the attendees are going to contribute, I think they are numbered as well, search it out, it is here in the thread, and hope you add yourself to the list.


Edit to add: I will get a list of the cigars I plan to start the Mini Pass with on here tomorrow, or at least I will try....
AND, while I wait for a headcount...we will, as before, be giving 15%OFF to those CPer's who come the 'show'.

Looks like 8-10 would be a good guess, and of course Julie will be in our hearts

With WANNABE, sonovabum, and daughterinlawovabum I think were at about 12 or 13
We can't do that with Dean around, he'll take all the good cigars and leave the crap. :laugh:

Or the other way around. :sign:

Hmmmmm? What can I do this time? :sign: :sign: :sign:

By the way I will be leaving here about 10am so that will get me down there about 12:15.

It looks like I will be right behind ya.....
I'll come over from church about 1:00 or so. Dean, if you want to come early, 11:00 or so, if you want to check it out.
Looks like I will be missing a good one! :whistling: :angry:

All is well down here in the Austin area. Got a little part-time gig workin' for the folks at Heroes and Legacies! :D Sure I'll end up spending more than I will be making...

Tis indeed I will be with my D/FW B/SOTL in Spirit. Take care guys!

Looks like I will be missing a good one! :whistling: :angry:

All is well down here in the Austin area. Got a little part-time gig workin' for the folks at Heroes and Legacies! :D Sure I'll end up spending more than I will be making...

Tis indeed I will be with my D/FW B/SOTL in Spirit. Take care guys!


I will be up in RoundRock/Georgetown tomorrow....
Been lurkin' on this thread but now it's time go put up...

First, I must ask; 'what's the best guestimate of a headcount?'

I think they are numbered as well, search it out, it is here in the thread, and hope you add yourself to the list.

What I think he is saying here Jim is, "Search is your Friend".

Forgive him. He knows not what he does.


Been lurkin' on this thread but now it's time go put up...

First, I must ask; 'what's the best guestimate of a headcount?'

I think they are numbered as well, search it out, it is here in the thread, and hope you add yourself to the list.

What I think he is saying here Jim is, "Search is your Friend".

Forgive him. He knows not what he does.



It is late, and I didn't realize to whom I was addressing, and I could not remember the number of people either. But that is neither here nor there...or an excuse

I do apologize if it came of a bit snippish, not my intention at all

First of all - Julie you're in my prayers.
Secondly - TELL me MX didn't just say he'd be right

On to serious stuff, I'm in on the Mini Pass, I'll bring Taco Salad, and for any Music afficianados, Gary & I will each be bringing our external hard drives flled with music and will be swaping music. Feel free to bring music to swap as well, I'll have my laptop. It'll be nice to see you Jim.

See y'all.

oh.. I'm bringing some CHOP SUEY!!!