Tatuaje Monster Mash Creature — 5 3/8 x 48 (Undisclosed Wrapper)
54°, calm, on the back porch, water, with some Angels Envy Rye at the end. 7:15
The First Third - great draw, plenty of smoke, chocolate on initial note, mild pepper
Retrohale is quite enjoyable
Like many of my reviews I sometimes feel the need to find notes that just aren't there or that I'm just not able to identify yet. I wondered if there might be some raisin or fig.
The one and only review I saw on the internet mentioned (spice, cedar, and clove)
Burning a bit uneven, interestingly it corrected itself
Loving the taste, wonder if it would pair well with coffee, a porter or ardbeg.
The second third - toast
Not identifying a lot of notes, but really enjoying the cigar
Strong and dark notes with some sweetness
The final third - I’m going to add some Angels Envy Rye
This rye is incredible
Damn this might be my favorite stick of the whole series.
There seems to be one note that I'm just not identifying, but still thoroughly enjoying.
I almost, and I mean it was close, smoked the band
8:56 for 100 minute smoke
Score: 95
Happy Halloween to all of you. Tomorrow I'm smoking an All Saints Cigar given to me by
@CBoukal, then I'll give a final review of the whole experience.
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