Monrovia Doubletree?

Wish I could make it, but I'm going to have to pass. Have some stuff I need to tend to. Have a good time gentlemen.
Looks like we have 4 attendees and 1 maybe?
I have something pending that I had forgotten about before I went out of town earlier in the month. I am supposed to mmet someone tonight at 7:00PM. He assured me it will take 20-30 minutes tops if that is the case I should be able to make the Double Tree between 8:00-8:30PM.

I will update later this evening, cheers. :thumbs:
Putting in an offer on a house that hit the market last night. Going to have to pass on this one.

Wish me luck, maybe we'll be able to have a Herf at Casa Hosh in Cerritos in a few months if this pans out :p
Let's get a final count, so you guys can tell me where to meet you. I've never really been in there before...
Looks like it'll be you, me, Charley, and Adrian. To get to the cabanas, enter the Doubletree through the main lobby entrance, go straight back and to your right. Walk through the restaurant/bar area to the doors on the other side of the bar which lead to the outdoor area with the pool.

For some reason, the doors that go to the pool area from the main lobby are usually locked unless you have a keycard, but the ones on the other side of the bar are always open.
Sorry but I won't be able to make it tonight. Hope you guys have a good time!
Turned out to be a dry evening and a great herf. :thumbs:

Great to meet you, Danny. Charley, always a pleasure.
Turned out to be a dry evening and a great herf. :thumbs:

Great to meet you, Danny. Charley, always a pleasure.

Likewise! I appreciate your generosity towards my friends and I. We have to do this again really soon. Who's up for some more herfin!?!?!?
Yeah...last night was great. Danny, it was nice to meet you and you friends. We should hook up again soon.

Hey time I'll bring some tortillas..... :laugh:
God damn! Made it to our agent last night. She says "There are two offers in on the house already. One if OVER the asking price and they have 60% down."

HOLY CRAP. Cerritos Ca. is a tough market. Chinese families play rough!
Yeah...last night was great. Danny, it was nice to meet you and you friends. We should hook up again soon.

Hey time I'll bring some tortillas..... :laugh:


LOL Charley it was awesome getting to know you. I live so close, so you know I'm down to herf anytime!

BTW: You need to ash a little more often little buddy :-D
Putting in an offer on a house that hit the market last night. Going to have to pass on this one.

Wish me luck, maybe we'll be able to have a Herf at Casa Hosh in Cerritos in a few months if this pans out :p

Good luck with that Josh... :thumbs: Sorry I couldn't make out last night. I did do something productice last night though got more and better life insurance coverage for myself and the fam. I will make it up next time for sure.
When is the next one of these. I just finished training and my Thursdays are free.

BTW, I just bought a Pailo cutter from heartfelt not realizing Rod had them in Arcadia. Shite!
I'll try to be there Thursday night. :thumbs: