Wow, these stuck out in my mind:
Nomar Garciaparra
Mark Prior
Kerry Wood
Hmm.. they started to get injures once they were off the juice.. ???
Yeah, I should have put a sarcasm meter by my post.
I thought you were playing the CUBS angle.. :sign:
Wow, these stuck out in my mind:
Nomar Garciaparra
Mark Prior
Kerry Wood
Hmm.. they started to get injures once they were off the juice.. ???
Yeah, I should have put a sarcasm meter by my post.
Wow, these stuck out in my mind:
Nomar Garciaparra
Mark Prior
Kerry Wood
Hmm.. they started to get injures once they were off the juice.. ???
Yeah, I should have put a sarcasm meter by my post.
I thought you were playing the CUBS angle.. :sign:
Like I said, I'm happy this has come out because now they can't just focus on B. Bonds and act like no one else is on steriods.
I'm glad they came out with the report. It goes to prove what I've been saying all along, that B. Bonds isn't the only one on the juice. Now, it will be impossible to single him out and pick on him. Make it seem like he was and is nothing without it.
Here's my example for the day:
Let's take track and field. I would bet the house that well over half the athletes at the Olympics use/used steriods. And I will further stick my neck out and say that ALL of the top 5 in ANY event use steriods. Now what seperates these guys and gals at this level? It's not the jucie, hell they are all on it. It's natural talent and hard work!!!!!!! Its the same in bodybuilding. It's not the guy taking the most stuff that wins, its the one who worked the hardest and has the best genetics. Not always, of course, but most of the time.
I'm not so sure about this. Bonds hit 388 HRs after 1998 (when he allegedly began using). That's more than half of his total HR production. I'm not really sure he could have put up those numbers without the help. I'm not talking turning warning track power into over the fence power, I'm talking about his ability to train as hard or harder and recover much as fast or faster as he did when younger after having reached an age when most players start to slow down. He was always an outstanding player (and it's a shame his legacy as a player will be tainted by his alleged steroid use), but how long could he have kept that up had he not had some "assistance?"So my point is that B. Bonds could have been clean all his life and he still would be at the top of the home run list. People try to make excuses and the media will put a spin on it but what it all comes down to is TALENT! Marion Jones, same thing. She was talented waaaay before she ever took anything. If everyone was clean, she probably still would be the fastest woman.
Like I said, I'm happy this has come out because now they can't just focus on B. Bonds and act like no one else is on steriods.
Actually, I see what your saying moe. But, I do have one question do the other athletes get a pass in your eyes because they haven't accomplished what he has( ala Mark Mcquire, and so on)? I think that if he is wrong or you hate him for cheating than you should hate all of them! Not just him because he was good enought to break some records.
QUESTION: How many people do you think would rub some cream on their arm or take a shot in the ass if they could be the best there ever was in whatever they do, make millions, and be known and loved by millions? My guess, damn near everybody!
Interesting story about Nomar Garciaparra....
Before he was all beefed up, he was originally a scrawny ball player. In need of some serious muscle development, he approached a well known trainer with a radical new approach to resistance training now commonly known as DC (Dogg Crapp). After about 18 months on this radical new program, he beefed up into who he is now, and he attributes all his muscular gains from his time spent with Dante (the trainer's name).
Now I wonder how this is going to affect the credibility of personal trainers, especially those with such a great resume such as Dante, Charles Glass, and others.
On a side note... I find it interesting how Barry Bonds will probably go to jail for perjury rather than substance abuse. I wonder how many on that list will even see a court room for trial on charges of substance abuse.
Another name you guys might want to look up if you haven't already is Patrick Arnold, the chemist who made "the clear", presumably the chemical substance Barry Bonds used.
On another side note, I'm more surprised this probe didn't start soon like the late 80's when Keith Hernandez admitted he and his team mates were all high on coke. As a plus though, I don't see Julio Franco on the list, but then again, that doesn't mean that those who aren't on the list aren't using.
Perhaps that's why Bonds' body has finally given out? Only one signifiacnt injury from 1986-1999, since 1999 he saw TENDON damage in his wrist and multiple knee surgeries.lilb, steriods are not going to help your longevity in ANY sport! Quote me, or whatever you like I know my stuff! If anything, it's going to shorten your career. Look up or do a google on steriods and muscles or more specifically, tendons. They break your body down over time(anybody remember Michael Johnson, or M. Green). I believe that as time went by it was a combination of training, and nutrition that kept him on top. At his level you have alot of things at your finger tips to keep you healthy. Trainer, dieticians, massage therapist, and so on. There are alot of athletes that got better as they got further into there career. Look how long Jerry Rice was catching touchdowns. It was because he was said to stay in shape year round and work hard. His hard work seperated him from the others BUT, if the media found out today that he was on steriods they would say(or suggest) that it was the juice they made him great! And don't forget Michael Jordan, he became a legend at the end of his career(before he first retired) thru hard work and knowlege of the game.
Also lilb, I edited my above post for your ping pong question.
Moe, you don't know the guy why do you find him dispicable? Is it because of what you have seen on tv? Be careful of what the media shows you.
lilb, that might be the reason for his injuries. As far as J. Rice, I wasn't saying he used steriods, I was commenting on his longevity in the sport. And every wide reciever preforms better with a big time QB. Randy Moss anybody.
And as far as M. Jordan, if you think he was ANYWHERE near greatness at carolina or when he first came out our converstation should be over. Jordan is the greatest based on what he did at the end of his career. Yes his supporting cast helped him get into the record books but we are not talking about the Chicago bulls we are talking about him and his proformance.
And I definitely don't want you to think that I am excusing these people cheating BUT, I understand! People degrade themselves on tv(reality shows)everyday just for 15minutes of fame and pennies in their pocket. Do you really believe that people wouldn't rub a cream on their arm for ten to twenty million dollars A YEAR?! Then add in the fame, then the title of the greatest. I'm not saying that you would do it, but most would.