Mini-Herf NY 06/03, Robbie (MiamiPadronSmoker) is coming to town

i really hate that im going to miss this, already sounds like a blast
Just wanted to be the first to say it was a pleasure getting together with some old friends and meeting some new ones. Great pizza and smokes and all were way too generous! George was a more than gracious host as usual and I would urge anyone to visit his shop in Garden City. Can't wait to catch up with the crew again a week from this Saturday and HERF it up in Kingston. Israel you the man and get ready brother!
Thanks for the great time gentlemen. Robbie: Great meeting you and I wish you luck in your recuperation after your 2nd Jones Beach show. :cool:
Christian, Jay, Pete, Jesus, Los, Brian, John....thanks to all of you and thank you George for your hospitality. See everyone soon!
Yeah this was a great time guys, It was a pleasure getting to meet some new friends and hang out with some older friends. We should do this more often. Brian, thanks for setting this up for us and providing us a great place to hang out, tell George we said thank you.
It was great seeing John and Los again. Robbie, Brian, Christian, Israel, Jesus, Pete it was great to meet you . All of you are great guys and incredibly generous! George was an incredible host with an insane humidor! Some nice cigars were smoked, awesome pizza eaten, good beer drank, and just an overall good time! What more could you ask for from a herf.
yeah, im so glad i was able to make this, everyone was soo generous i cannot thank you enough.
JJ's was an awesome place, except there were too many Loud Mets fans in there, they couldnt keep their mouths shut
till the next time gentlemen
What a great time guys, thanks!

I look forward to doing this again soon.

So who is who in the pic. I can recognize robbie and i think the last person on the right is israel.

left to right: Jay (jayro), Brian (bully), Robbie (miamipadronsmoker), Pete (bxcgrfan), John (Jam..), Christian (EricDriscoll--our resident CRA Ambassador), Jesus (MOBIG), Los (NASTY), and myself. Burn these images into your brain, Ed!
What a great time guys, thanks!

I look forward to doing this again soon.

So who is who in the pic. I can recognize robbie and i think the last person on the right is israel.

left to right: Jay (jayro), Brian (bully), Robbie (miamipadronsmoker), Pete (bxcgrfan), John (Jam..), Christian (EricDriscoll--our resident CRA Ambassador), Jesus (MOBIG), Los (NASTY), and myself. Burn these images into your brain, Ed!

i will forget by next friday. We will need name tags. :laugh:
Looks and sounds like you guys had a great time. The wife is wanting to hit NYC. I hope to meet up with as many of you as possible.

Great time last night indeed. I don't think us Mets fans were loud, eh Robbie?
Great time guys can’t wait tell next time we just need to
keep Mets fans outside they too rude. :D :cool:
Are we still talking about the Mets? I didn't think anyone here was into single A leagues. :laugh:
I know you're not talking, "Mr. Can I follow you across to the Bronx? I don't wanna get lost out here without my blankie"