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Min Ron Nee's New set of books $5,000.00

That's a pre sale invitation only price. It states $10,000.00 full retail,
CMontoya79 said:
That's a pre sale invitation only price. It states $10,000.00 full retail,
Yes, but if you hurry.... :laugh:
$5,000 for amazing pictures, and free tasting notes written in such vivid prose!  :rolleyes:
Is this the only version available? The one when he mentioned 'if you can afford to buy CC, than you can afford to buy this book'?
Or is there going to be a second printing that us mere mortals can afford? 
I think his take on affording to buy CCs and the common man's take, i.e., Collecting cigars, including pre-embargo and other rarities versus buying a cabinet of 50 PLPC is probably vastly diverse.
I would like to be able to have this as a reference, but not for that kind of money. I suspect that if a CD version is made available, it will still be pretty expensive. I would also hope that the updates mentioned would be related to post 2012 releases. Otherwise, it is arguably a purely well heeled collectors resource.
MadMonk said:
I think his take on affording to buy CCs and the common man's take, i.e., Collecting cigars, including pre-embargo and other rarities versus buying a cabinet of 50 PLPC is probably vastly diverse.
I would like to be able to have this as a reference, but not for that kind of money. I suspect that if a CD version is made available, it will still be pretty expensive. I would also hope that the updates mentioned would be related to post 2012 releases. Otherwise, it is arguably a purely well heeled collectors resource.
After reading further on his site and reviewing the download, I sadly have to agree with you.
Good lord almighty!   I purchased the first edition and I certainly don't need a bamboo stand or the reference material.  Just the book alone, please.  I'll wait.... but hot damn.... $5,000?   
For $5k, I'd rather invest in a huge cabinet humidor full of Cuban cigars.  Why look at it when you can smoke it.  Seems outrageous.  Ask your local library to see if they can get a copy. ;)
Rod said:
For $5k, I'd rather invest in a huge cabinet humidor full of Cuban cigars.  Why look at it when you can smoke it.  Seems outrageous.  Ask your local library to see if they can get a copy. ;)
*MadMonk waves his hand at the librarian* "THESE are the books you're looking for"
Rod said:
For $5k, I'd rather invest in a huge cabinet humidor full of Cuban cigars.  Why look at it when you can smoke it.  Seems outrageous.  Ask your local library to see if they can get a copy. ;)
It's funny you should say that because I was thinking the same thing yesterday as I was posting on Nino's website about the book. Then, after thinking about it for a while, my conclusion was...how in God's name could a Federal/State/County library invest that kind of money for a set of books describing in detail a tobacco product that is looking to be taxed out of existence on every front in our country? Imagine the fervor that would provoke in a community? 
Say what you want about freedom of speech and the need to have books of all opinions, the fact is that what libraries keep in their catalogs is scrutinized more closely now than ever. 
Screw that I'll wait to John gets the Spanish version again like I got from him on the first release. Like Rod, I would rather spent that type of coin on cigars.
"birds of America" double elephant folio ... was 4000$ in (about)1835 and over 200 copies were sold ... a copy recently sold for 11.5 million $ .
think of it as an investment ... in less than 200 years ... it will be worth a bazillion dollars .
dvickery said:
"birds of America" double elephant folio ... was 4000$ in (about)1835 and over 200 copies were sold ... a copy recently sold for 11.5 million $ .
think of it as an investment ... in less than 200 years ... it will be worth a bazillion dollars .
$4000 in 1835? That would almost by a 1492 Humi by today's standards :cool:
I think I'll just add college-rule sheets of reviews I've done, slide them into my first edition, and call it updated!
What if we all bought a copy, made a rogue PDF, and sold it on the black market to pay off the original copy? :laugh: :rolleyes:

dvickery said:
"birds of America" double elephant folio ... was 4000$ in (about)1835 and over 200 copies were sold ... a copy recently sold for 11.5 million $ .
think of it as an investment ... in less than 200 years ... it will be worth a bazillion dollars .
Gary....they want to keep the rif-raf away from this book. Make no mistake, this dude is going to make some big $$$ on this. He has over $2 mil invested on this project. However, 2000 copies at $5000 is $10 million USD. Pretty good ROI for a hobby. John
Johnny-O! said:
Gary....they want to keep the rif-raf away from this book. Make no mistake, this dude is going to make some big $$$ on this. He has over $2 mil invested on this project. However, 2000 copies at $5000 is $10 million USD. Pretty good ROI for a hobby. John
It's his legacy John...big, gaudy, and grandiose. The fact that this set comes with it's own stand shows us his ego...'don't file this away on a shelf, it deserves to be out in the open for all to see forever'...and to that end, this project reeks of an elitist attitude. His statement of, "if you can afford to buy cuban cigars, you can afford to buy this book" seems to come from his complete & total immersion into the wealthy societies of Hong Kong & Europe. Maybe those folks spend 5K a week on CC, but not us. Not to mention, the 5K price is by invitation only....more pandering to his close, wealthy friends. Then it goes up to 10K for us regular folks. Go figure that one out.
I'll wager a guess that the first printing 'by invitation' will be difficult to sell out. I think what MRN forgot was that us rif-raf stoked that fire to create the newer version. When all is set and done, how could he ever condense this into a coffee table version at any price? We were NEVER his intended market. I think in his pursuit of his final legacy, he forgot about those of us who helped put him on the literary cigar map. 
Images in the article show that this book is a rare work of art. It's made extremely beautiful. Lush edition, special bamboo case , probably on the best paper ever. It's like rare special edition humidor with cigars. In collectible items price has no upper limit. It's not for education of a regular poor smoker with a very limited income.
From Min Ron Nee book itself -- earlier in cigar boxes real gold leaf was used in lithography , it was not cheap and was not intended for regular poor smokers.
I am glad that this beautiful book will be printed.
But for myself personally, in my humble experience , I used to collect art books in certain field. They just sit in book case , you ll never open them again. I stopped .
Will be I able to afford this book , probably I will. Will I bye it, probably not. You look at this once and you never open it again.
And for information on cuban cigars first and second edition are on the market for affordable price. Not much new important information will be in the new edition. Especially on the aged cigars. Market did not changed that much. Cigar business is a very slow business.
If you ve read Min Ron Nee , you ll know what I am talking about. He is very reserved with passing judgement on new cigars , he ll wait like a decade.