Welcome back BoTL, been a little while it appears, glad to see you around again.
But this may be a touchy or controversial subject ???
Aspire to be FOG, eh? Well you fail. :laugh:
Nope, it's just um, a highly controversial conversation.
Not politics or Religion, so it's fair game.
I guess that is where the written meaning versus interpretation discussion could begin, but I surely hope it doesn't, so it doesn't take away from the original subject matter. When I read the rules, and have reread them many times, I always understood the "touchy" subject rule as, no discussion of potentially tension filled topics, including, but not limited to religion and politics. This I believe could very easily turn into a heated topic, it hasn't which I'm glad, but it definitely has the structural foundation for it.
Don't get me wrong, I raised in a good home, where I never had to wonder where the couch and television went when my folks pawned it, because they didn't have the cash to support their addictions, and I positively have no personal quandaries against the medical uses for controlled substances to better a individuals health. But that being said I was also raised in the age of D.A.R.E. where there were many many heated discussions I sat through, that I was merely trying to avoid happening here.
My mistake here is underestimating you group of fellas and before I wrote that statement, I hadn't completely processed where I was writing it. You folks are a group respectable, decent, intelligent adults who can and do abstain from mud slinging, and slandering, who can tactfully and intelligently state your opinions delicately, avoiding tension amongst the community. The topic merely threw me back to my younger years, where this topic started verbal fights and sometimes physical confrontation. For this I apologize sincerely.
Welcome back BoTL, been a little while it appears, glad to see you around again.
But this may be a touchy or controversial subject ???
Aspire to be FOG, eh? Well you fail. :laugh:
Nothing against you WKOTI, but it does seem like you're trying to climb the ladder fairly quickly. Banging on the 2 year door gains you knowledge and a certain amount of respect, 5 plus years gains you respect (for the most part) and the title of "prick"! LOL
I am really not trying to gain any prestige here, nor make a name for myself. I honestly just want to give back what I have gotten, which is much harder than it sounds. I'm not seeking any titles here, just wanting to do my part to better the community. This is a place I call home, I'm a member of other cigar boards, but this is the only place I will defend publicly. This place is filled with friends and family, and I merely wish to succeed at is keeping the brotherhood alive.
I know there are some here that have been around 5-10 years who not many know, there are also some who've been around under 5 years and have multiple thousands of posts and are well known and mostly respected. I would love to be somewhere in the middle, but only time will tell. We all chose my own path, whether we realize it or not sometimes. So if I've over stepped my boundaries I apologize and will be more conscious of my posts next time around.