Mayweather vs Cotto - your thoughts?

Light this!

Licensed to Kill
Nov 27, 2011
I'm a boxing fan and will be ordering this fight. A bunch of the neighbors come over, eat, smoke cigars and watch the fights. Mayweather has a mouth on him but he backs it up. I'm rooting for the underdog Cotto. Would love to see someone finally kick Mayweather's butt especially after his last bs fight with the sucker punch. I know that you have to protect yourself at all times but a boxer of that caliber should not win a fight like that. Ortiz on the other hand should have been boxing and not trying to kiss Mayweather all over the ring.
F maywewather. His cocky, arrogant attitude ruins it for me. You cannot disagree that he has talent and is a good boxer. Even if Cotto lost, It would be nice if he would at least punch him in his larynx to shut him up for once.

I had plans to do a whole Cinqo de Mayo Day as the Kentucky Derby is also on today but the wife (who is 7 months pregnant) wasn't feeling up for it. I'm not a pusscake, just the local watering hole always has a warm seat available though :-D Enjoy your evening light this!
What happened to the days of Sugar Ray, Tyson, Holyfield, Buster Douglas, Lennox Lewis, etc... I know most don't like Tyson, however his fights were always good (for the most part). Boxing isn't the same anymore...
No doubt the sport is not the same as it used to be with some of the legends mentioned above. I'm sure money was still the driving force back then but they sure put on some good bouts.
Well, Mayweather is still undefeated and this was a very good fight for once. Both boxers went toe to toe for 12 rounds but in the end Mayweather clearly won unanimously. It was finally refreshing to pay for a fight that was worth it. We had a great time and smoked some Bolivar Corona Gigantes paired with some great scotches.

Rod, I don't agree with the personal decisons Tyson has made in his life but I consider him the best boxer of my time. Only fight left worth watching will be Mayweather vs Pacquio if they only can agree on terms.
What happened to the days of Sugar Ray, Tyson, Holyfield, Buster Douglas, Lennox Lewis, etc... I know most don't like Tyson, however his fights were always good (for the most part). Boxing isn't the same anymore...
<br /><br />I used to love watching Tyson. He lost it when he was incarcerated. Rod, why would you include Douglas? His father died, Tyson didn't train because he thought it would be a walk in the park, Douglas beat Tyson and them did nothing.
One decent fight does not let him into the ranks of the greats, IMHO.
Mayweather is great, but he does have a mouth.

I agree with Rod, boxing is not what it used to be, I credit most of that to Don King and pay per view. Most fans won't drop the money and take the chance that the fight will be lousy or over in 10 seconds. I don't have enough friends to split the cost. I did enjoy the UFC on Fox last night, some pretty good matches.

This was the first fight of mayweather that i had any respect for him. he stayed in and boxed instead of running and waiting for the other fighter to run out of steam. You have to agree Cotto lost a lot after the cement glove incident but he took a beating this weekend like no ones buisness and still looked good fighting. I was rooting for Cotto but mayweather did actually win this one this time.
I have to see this fight on TV when it replays on HBO. I was at the fight and saw a totally different bout. The crowd was about a 85/15 for Cotto and they, I mean we...we were loud as hell. Once I heard the scores, something defintely was amiss. No way in hell did the scores resemble the fight that I have just seen. Excellent fight nonetheless. At least Bieber and Floyd got hit with some Corona on their way back into the lockerrooms LOL
Mayweather holds one of the best records in boxing, there is nothing else to say, he is a great boxer. End of conversation, stats dont lie.
I have to see this fight on TV when it replays on HBO. I was at the fight and saw a totally different bout. The crowd was about a 85/15 for Cotto and they, I mean we...we were loud as hell. Once I heard the scores, something defintely was amiss. No way in hell did the scores resemble the fight that I have just seen. Excellent fight nonetheless. At least Bieber and Floyd got hit with some Corona on their way back into the lockerrooms LOL

I think what hurt Cotto was him chasing Mayweather around for the first 6 rounds. He was trying to fight Mayweathers fight. Watching it on TV you can clearly see Cotto running out of steam and Mayweather looking like the freaking Matrix with Cotto's punches missing him by millimeters. Good fight though.

Mayweather holds one of the best records in boxing, there is nothing else to say, he is a great boxer. End of conversation, stats dont lie.

Deon - a little bais because Mayweather is from Michigan? LOL. He's a hall of famer boxer.