I saw the videos and listened to the gun fire; the rhythm was erratic. I'm pretty confident the rifle he was using wasn't "fully automatic". My guess is it was some kind of bump fire mechanism, or similar.
You see the terror attacks all around Europe, London, Paris, etc?
https://www.yahoo.com/news/las-vegas-gunman-used-bump-stock-device-speed-021446529.htmlA bump stock is the first thing I thought of after watching the videos and hearing "full auto AR15" on the news.
While not technically correct, if that was the case, it would make a lot more sense...
Would not be surprised if he obtained his weaponry 100% legally, especially since this is Nevada.
I agree that the evil is not in the weapon, but the person.
However, 1 person should not be able to do this kind of damage. You see the terror attacks all around Europe, London, Paris, etc? You wonder why there aren't as many casualties as is Las Vegas last night? Gun Laws. We need to wake up.