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Many cigars gone bad....big dilemma

This is a tough one.
I can not talk openly because I will be stepping on lots of toes and it will not be nice.
I just found the subject has being raised but no one knows what is really the cause of a problem many others have.
I have several Humidors ...thank god
Two large desk tops hold my daily already aged for smoking sticks of many previously great smokes that now taste like hell.
Behikes, opuses, Lucys, part shorts, Rass,and many other ccs plus Padron 64 and 26s, fuente hemis and so on and quite a few great cheap ones....all masked by a horrible taste which I doubt but do not know if I can get rid off.
I got busy test smoking fresh stuff I was buying stocking up on the larger humidor and when I went back to the desk tops they are all screwed up to a larger or lesser degree depending when they got laid there after I made a change....for the better i thought which actually it was RH wise.

If anyone wants to help I can not say what and from who,all I can say I used a very popular humidification solution a lot are using here and it gives taste to the cigars that ruins them.
I reversed everything the way it was before but I do not know if I can save them in time,neither do i know how to get help with out talking.

The ones of you here that know a lot please pm me and see if you can advice with out causing issues for anyone

I smoke for a lot of years ,I know my taste buds still work great.

Is this what you are referring to?


Man, you about had us. I mean, you almost pulled it off. The set up was flawless, just the right amount of vagueness hinting at problems we all probably could have coupled with the Tolstoy-like wordiness to your posts and you darned near had us all. The only criticism I would off is don't give your punchline so close to the middle of your post:

Now if you want to be familiar and get a full body taste of what this is lick the outside of one of your bead containers with these specific beads inside post doing the following.
Take a clean container for the beads lick it(no taste!) then pour the the previously humidified beads in it with out touching the outside placed in a great smelling empty cigar box and then lick it again after it was in there long enough and RH was reached in the box.

Now that's a brilliant punch line, don't get me wrong, my only problem is placing it in the middle of your novel. Why not make that the last paragraph? It would be like delivering that line on stage and simply dropping the mic onto the stage and confidently walking off. It's a power move. Or possibly following that up with a :trollface: pic or something. Anyway, just some advice. Well played though, you certainly got me on it. Lick your beads. LOL, good one.

Isn't that the first step on any MSDS sheet. If you don't know what the product is or what its chemicals contain LICK IT... :laugh: I was absolutly lost at this point in his story. Why would you lick a chemical compound? I think you may have destroyed you taste buds and should call poison control.

On a serious note if you use HF Beads I hightly doubt this is your problem. 90% of members here some that have been smoking for over 30 years have NEVER had a problem with these beads and are the main brand recommended here. If they are or are not HF say it so we can further help you.

Well, the poster thinks the beads have affected the flavor of his cigars. All because he licked them. Now, the beads do emit and absorb moisture.
Water Vapor that has been in the cedar as well as the tobacco, the paper bands, etc.. Of course they are going to taste differant than fresh beads.

I would like to know if the hygrometers are calibrated. Also, what is he keeping the beads in? Are they a factor in this? An outgassing plastic of some sort?
Does he use air freshener in his house? Sprays of any sort? Plug - in room deodorizers which WILL wreak havoc on a humidor. A lot of factors at play here.
This was just painful. Not the way to start a Sunday.

I've had great success with beads. After my coffee I will go around and perform the lick test on my beads and other questionable items around the house. Maybe I will be able to figure out why the dog has been having accidents in the house.
Some bead companies use a sodium solution to condition their beads. However it will not impart flavors into the beads. Did you use Distilled water? I think we got a case of user error, post a pic of you previous set up. This has to be one of the weirdest things I have ever heard aside from Clint's experience with 2 lesbian horses the last time he visited Kentucky.....
Some bead companies use a sodium solution to condition their beads. However it will not impart flavors into the beads. Did you use Distilled water? I think we got a case of user error, post a pic of you previous set up. This has to be one of the weirdest things I have ever heard aside from Clint's experience with 2 lesbian horses the last time he visited Kentucky.....

Like HA's post....this one is useless without pic's!

HA...if you stick around a look around you'll know CP doesn't pull punches.
There may be tough comments at time, though it all comes down to the facts...few of which you started out with - leading to speculation.

Just put it out there and the facts will speak for themself...they always do.
Habanos Addict,
I am going to need you to send me all your cigars so I can effectivley test them vs. mine. I stopped smoking for about 10 days when I got sick. starting back up I notice the exact description below. I thought it was just that I had stopped and lost the taste for stogies or some were over humidified and it will take a bit for me to get back into it. I am glad to see that I am not alone in this. I also dont think you should have to endure this any longer, which is why I am offering to relieve you of this burden. I have 2 different brands of beads and am using 2 brands of water pillows. Once all your smokes arrive I will begin sorting and smoking them comparing how the tastes change using the different humis, beads and distilled water. Probably a good idea to send your humidors as well as i will need to examine them to. I think its only fair to split the shipping with you as I dont want you ruining your taste buds either, they might not come back and you wont be able to taste the Ouzo you have been drinking. You are welcome to send the Ouzo and Absinthe you have as well. I have noticed a bitter taste after drinking Absinthe as well, also the numbing sensation of the tongue and brain. I noticed you are up in the northwest. Have you considered a light box, they help with melatonin or some shit that the lack of sunlight messes up. As cold and wet as it is up there at least we dont have to worry about beetles or your sticks drying out

"At two months you will have that wonderful slightly bitter spice(I am ironic now) that it will be a numbing sensation from the tip of your tongue and to a lesser effect further back that it will linger long after you will stop smoking and it will be strong enough to mask the taste of your smokes by overpowering your palate getting worse as you keep on smoking your cigars and keep on pumping the substance in your mouth.
It will make your cigars taste slightly bitter with a sharp metallic taste that masks the taste of your tobacco.
It has the ability to make you get a sensation like you burned your mouth slightly and can not taste good enough and it will make your medium and light body cigars become tasteless with the exception of that wonderful(ironic again) taste that I described above."
Thank you all for your comments.
Some of you are rude and do not like to read in detail.

I will agree my writing is not that good and I am not very good at making summaries trying to provide details.
English is not my mother language neither is an excuse for my writing but never on purpose.

Some of you should try to put your selves in my shoes and criticize me(I truly do not mind ,I even like it)accordingly.
I had this experience and I get to realize coming here lots of you use these beads.
It feels very serious to me to have that happen and the vendor I got them from seems to be a good guy that even offered the actual possible cause to this.

How would you handle this if you were me?

This is my way trying to do what is best,if you do not like it read something else.

Lots of you do not like to read that long note I wrote and cal lit a novel....you are right I was trying to be precise and is too long....I was trying to make it as good as possible for you.

I never said I licked the beads.....read!

I only use distilled water.

I wrote I followed the instructions provided with the product.

There is no PG.

PG or salt will screw your cigars up.

I have done the PG in the long past and it was not as bad as this one.

Fresh silica and Salt is way worse.

I do not know how to get rid of it.

I am experimenting and I wonder if drying them out and then re humidifying might improve stuff....so far after trying this on a few sticks I see a very small improvement but not what I wish.

I do not know if this happens when they are new only, or not.

I will stick back with lots of humidi packs on my desk tops as before and electronic humidification on the cabinets

I knew some of you would be bothered by this but as they say frankly I do not give a d....as long as someone benefits from my mistake.
I just read this thread twice and it appears you said that you licked the container that the beads came in. If so, then you surely ingested bead dust. Why would you do this?

I've been using beads for years, in my main humidor cabinet and also several large coolers not to mention desktop humidors. I have never experienced what you're describing.

If your cigars taste bad, then they have already married with something and there is nothing you can do to fix it. What else are you putting in the humidor? Post some pictures.
Habanos addict, take 3 cigars all the same. Put them in a dry box (plastic herf a dor, dry humidor, whatever). If the air in Oregon is is too humid and I assume it is. Put a bunch of DRY white rice inside the box to absorb the excess moisture. I dont know how much rice. After 24 hrs smoke a stick. Pay attention to how it tastes. After 48 hrs smoke another, day 3 another. Hell put 4 in there and have another on day 4. I would assume your sticks are all too wet, nothing to do with the beads, you probably dont need any humidification devices if you are west of the Cascades. Also if you have webbing between the toes its a sure sign of over humidification. If you are east of the Cascades then disregard everything above.
I just read this thread twice and it appears you said that you licked the container that the beads came in. If so, then you surely ingested bead dust. Why would you do this?

I've been using beads for years, in my main humidor cabinet and also several large coolers not to mention desktop humidors. I have never experienced what you're describing.

If your cigars taste bad, then they have already married with something and there is nothing you can do to fix it. What else are you putting in the humidor? Post some pictures.

I did not lick the container they came in .
I did so with another clean container that had no taste by it self unused from the same source(cigar size) and then again after I placed it in a tight sealing empty cigar box from some opux X 4s post feeling the container with the humidified beads and leaving in there longer than enough time for RH to reach the full 70% the beads put out.
When I touched that one it gave the same exact effect I get from the cigars.
I did not ingest just touched to taste and wash it of.

I have other cigars on other humidors and they have no issues and I had no issues prior to the change with the beads with the same cigars.
The big change came in time about two months.

I made no other changes but placing large quantity of these beads to make up for frequent openings of these boxes to retrieve cigars and the RH was regulating faster than the previous set up.

It is suggested that the salt placed to regulate these beads together with the large quantity I used as described on the thread could be bringing the salt out with the humidity and into the cigars or maybe something else but the taste again was consistent with comes from the effectedcigars
These boxes are full of single sticks some in cellophane and others naked.
I will post photos.
The Savinelli is seventeen years in use and the wood is ivory in color from years of keeping cigars in it.....used to be almost white.
The other a treasure box from quality has been in use for a couple of years.
Both perform great with out issues and have a great seal
I am very amazed about this since so many use them with out trouble.
The experiment was out of desperation to figure out what is going on since I could not figure it out.
Thanks for trying to help.
Habanos addict, take 3 cigars all the same. Put them in a dry box (plastic herf a dor, dry humidor, whatever). If the air in Oregon is is too humid and I assume it is. Put a bunch of DRY white rice inside the box to absorb the excess moisture. I dont know how much rice. After 24 hrs smoke a stick. Pay attention to how it tastes. After 48 hrs smoke another, day 3 another. Hell put 4 in there and have another on day 4. I would assume your sticks are all too wet, nothing to do with the beads, you probably dont need any humidification devices if you are west of the Cascades. Also if you have webbing between the toes its a sure sign of over humidification. If you are east of the Cascades then disregard everything above.

I live in a very dry climate.
These boxes are in a room with consistent 64-68f temp
The humidity level on these sticks is perfect and the draw ,burn and ability to stay lit zero issues with the only exception of a single stick rarely if it has a construction issue.
There is no indication of over humidification or sign,this time of the year the ambient climate indoors is very easy on these humidors.
Idaho and Oregon border away from the coast.
I do not have or ever used anything in the environment that could get in there.
However the taste effect is very real and obvious.
Habanos, do you realize that you currently have some of the top cigar wizards try to help you out? The least you could do is reciprocate as requested and shoot some pictures. I might also suggest you pick three brothers and send them each a cigar for their taste test.

You writing is infinatum. There are at least ten brother her with 150 years of experience, not only theirs, but what they have learned from the likes of one on ones with Fuente, Drew and Padron etc. use them. Walk away from the keyboard, box up a few smokes and go to the post office.

If the brothers here were not interested in helping you this thread would have died a long time ago. Now, help them help you so we can figures it out, learn from it.
I just read this thread twice and it appears you said that you licked the container that the beads came in. If so, then you surely ingested bead dust. Why would you do this?

I've been using beads for years, in my main humidor cabinet and also several large coolers not to mention desktop humidors. I have never experienced what you're describing.

If your cigars taste bad, then they have already married with something and there is nothing you can do to fix it. What else are you putting in the humidor? Post some pictures.

I did not lick the container they came in .
I did so with another clean container that had no taste by it self unused from the same source(cigar size) and then again after I placed it in a tight sealing empty cigar box from some opux X 4s post feeling the container with the humidified beads and leaving in there longer than enough time for RH to reach the full 70% the beads put out.
When I touched that one it gave the same exact effect I get from the cigars.
I did not ingest just touched to taste and wash it of.

I have other cigars on other humidors and they have no issues and I had no issues prior to the change with the beads with the same cigars.
The big change came in time about two months.

I made no other changes but placing large quantity of these beads to make up for frequent openings of these boxes to retrieve cigars and the RH was regulating faster than the previous set up.

It is suggested that the salt placed to regulate these beads together with the large quantity I used as described on the thread could be bringing the salt out with the humidity and into the cigars or maybe something else but the taste again was consistent with comes from the effectedcigars
These boxes are full of single sticks some in cellophane and others naked.
I will post photos.
The Savinelli is seventeen years in use and the wood is ivory in color from years of keeping cigars in it.....used to be almost white.
The other a treasure box from quality has been in use for a couple of years.
Both perform great with out issues and have a great seal
I am very amazed about this since so many use them with out trouble.
The experiment was out of desperation to figure out what is going on since I could not figure it out.
Thanks for trying to help.

What in the world are you saying?

Keep it simple.

Share with us everything 'step by step'....slowly and in detail.
Post the pictures using one of those free photo sites. I'm very curious to see your setup.

To be clear, you have a clean humidor (not someones pre-owned humidor), fresh cigars, and beads purchased by HF. You have conditioned the beads with nothing other than bottled distilled water that you purchased from the market. Is this correct?