Making a coolidor/igloodor


New Member
Feb 2, 2004
*UPDATE* - Pics at bottom!

Alright, I'm trying to get all the things together that I will need to make a coolidor/igloodor. I have everything I need except the Propylene Glycol for my credo solution, the spanish cedar to line the cooler, the hygrometer, and the cooler.

All of those are readily available to me except the propylene glycol and the cedar. I tried the drug store for the propylene and went to Lowe's (like Home Depot) for the cedar...I didn't find either of them.

So my questions are:
1. where else can I get propylene glycol without ordering it off the net, because I want to have the dor done by the time I get my cigars.

2. where can I get the spanish cedar, do I really need it, and can regular cedar(which they had plenty of) substitute.

Thanks for any help.

94teggy said:
Alright, I'm trying to get all the things together that I will need to make a coolidor/igloodor. I have everything I need except the Propylene Glycol for my credo solution, the spanish cedar to line the cooler, the hygrometer, and the cooler.

All of those are readily available to me except the propylene glycol and the cedar. I tried the drug store for the propylene and went to Lowe's (like Home Depot) for the cedar...I didn't find either of them.

So my questions are:
1. where else can I get propylene glycol without ordering it off the net, because I want to have the dor done by the time I get my cigars.

2. where can I get the spanish cedar, do I really need it, and can regular cedar(which they had plenty of) substitute.

Thanks for any help.

Jon, don't worry about buying spanish cedar. First, get the cooler, or tupperware. Go buy some all cedar cigar boxes from your local cigar guy and put your smokes in there. While you are there, get some humidifier solution. It can be had for like $6 a bottle. Buy a gallon of distilled water for like $1.50. It has to be distilled though. Buy a meter from the store or Radio Shack. Voila.

Do not under any circumstances use regular cedar. Make sure you post a thread that states you are hard working student looking for some economically sound sticks to try, it will help you fill up the cooler :0

I have to go with the standard Climmax beads shill over the propylene glycol.

Cedar--buy a couple of boxes of cigars. Lots of times they come with cedar blocks in them as placeholders. Also lots of times they are themselves made of cedar. Before you know it you'll have more cedar than you know what to do with!
Ok thanks guys. I went to a all the pharmacys around here and wouldn't ya know that the last one I went to (Eckerds) was able to order some propylene will be in tomorrow and is going to be about $10.

On the subject of the cedar, if the box of cigars I get is already lined with spanish cedar then can I just leave the cigars in the box and they still get the proper humidification?

Thanks everyone I'm still learning a lot.

The coolerdor will maintain the proper humidity of the cigars. I t makes no difference at all if the cigars are inside a box in the cooler or not. I would not waste time or money lining the cooler with cedar. As it has been mentioned, using cedar cigar boxes to store your cigars in inside the cooler provides plenty of the "aroma" and helps stabilize the humidity by absorbing moisture.

I also highly recommend the climmax beads (see this website)
Alright, thanks a bunch for your help guys. I'm going to get the cooler and the propylene today and then all I'll need is the hygrometer and some shelves. I plan on doing a step by step on how to make it including pictures when I'm I'll be sure to post that up.


P.S. what can I use to make the shelves inside the coolidor?
Spanish Cedar? Check out your local lumber yard. If they don't have it in stock, I'm sure they can order some. Go with the 1/4 to 3/8 inch thick plank wood. If they only carry 1/2 inch, see if they can put it in one of their big saws and have it cut in two. Twice as much for your money that way too...... :D :thumbs: :p
Looks like your off to a good start.
Good luck and happy smokes.
Congrats on the Igloordor Bro!

But... if it were MY coolerdor and MY cigars... I'd go with Climmax Humidification Media 65% RH. I don't trust my cigars to ANYTHING BUT CLIMMAX! And I think I have a "few" cigars that are worth protecting.... LMAO!


I probably will eventually get some Climmax beads once I start building a collection of more valuable cigars, but it's working for now...stayed at 67% all night :thumbs:

94teggy said:
I probably will eventually get some Climmax beads once I start building a collection of more valuable cigars, but it's working for now...stayed at 67% all night :thumbs:


Looking good Jon! I built a similar humidifying system and after a couple of days I had to tape up most of the holes in it because the sticks and boxes became adequitly saturated. You may experience the same thing depending on your climate, FYI.
94teggy said:
I probably will eventually get some Climmax beads once I start building a collection of more valuable cigars, but it's working for now...stayed at 67% all night :thumbs:

Well, if you plan on spending more than $50.00 in the near future on sticks, spend the first $23.99 ( + shipping ) here:

65% Climmax Beads/ 1 lb.

Your sticks will thank you!

94teggy said:
Well, here are the pics everyone. I spent about $50 for everything. If you guys would like me to do a full write up on what all i did with captions and instructions under the pics I'd be glad to, just let me know. Beware the pics are friggin huge...5 megapixels baby :p

without further adieu:


Let me know what you think.

Hey buddy, just wanted to say I couldn't see the pics so well, could you post them bigger please?


Good job, home crafts projects are always fun.
I just setup a igloodor on Sunday. Total assembly time was about 30 mins. I couldn't believe that it was that easy. Checked it this morning, and it's sitting at 69-70% RH. It should be good for 400 or so cigars, depending on box size.

$20 48 quart igloo cool from Target
$3 for a brick of wet floral foam
$2 for a package of 6 "disposable" plastic sandwich containers
$9 for a 2 pint bottle of cigar juice [previously purchased]
$0 for 2" of velcro strip [stolen from wife's craft table]

Total : $34

And the wife gets to keep the extra foam and sandwich containers. I don't have hygrometer yet, so I took the tech strip out of my traveldor and toss it inside. I haven't decided if I'm going to spring for a digital hygrometer or try and find something a little cheaper.
Go with the digital one I got from Radio Shack. I looked all over for an analog one because I didn't want to spend $20 on one, but now I'm glad I did spend that much. It's displays the humidity and the temp and has a light on it, so if you store it in your closet like I'm doing all you have to do is reach in and hit the light button and you instantly know the conditions.
