Major Announcement - Cigar Community as a whole

So lets recap

have all been sold to Jon. Who is next to fall?

I know a few other places there were approached and told him no.

I know with my brand, Las VegASH, I have big plans for it and would never sell my brand off.

What will the future hold for this other sites? Will CigarPass be the lone single owned website? Sounds like it will be! Rod is showing his devotion to his brand and those are the people I will support.
Another internet money making success story for the buyer of them other sites I guess.
Thank goodness you decided not to sell Rod.

I for one would give up my membership if that ever happened.
This site has given me a huge amount of pleasure and I have made many friends being here. That for me is worth more than money.

Thank you Rod.
Man I'm off line and this is what I miss.

Rod, thank you for being here for us, my hat is off to you sir!
That's an upstanding maneuver on your part, Rod. Placing people and principles in front of the almighty dollar is a rare occurrence, and it's damned nice to see.

Now - everybody here is thankful for what Rod has done, but the fact remains that he turned down a sizable chunk of change to keep CP intact. I'd like to suggest perhaps a brainstorming thread of ways Rod can generate more revenue from this site - if other members agree it to be appropriate, and of course with Rod's blessing. Maybe we can come up with some ideas that maintain the integrity of the site, but make Rod's decision work out even better for him financially than the offer he received. Now THAT would be cool.
Rod I'm sure you take great pride in CP. You have nurtured it from the very start and continue to look out for our community that we all call home. Here's to your continued success as the navigator of this ship called CigarPass. :thumbs:

I can not say more that has not allready been said, I will just say THANK YOU and keep up the great work
If anyone can vouch for Rod’s passion and commitment to CP, it would be me. I can assure you all that this site will remain the same as always…a place for cigar aficionados and friends alike to come together to share their love and passion for cigars. Rod spends countless hours every day (with me whining in the background for him to pay attention to me)in order to make this site what it has become. He wanted to create a place for people to come share, learn, and just simply chat with other BOTLs. We both hope that you all can continue to enjoy all the great things CP has to offer. Last, but not least, thank you for believing in CP and for your loyalty to the community.

Love you Rod!
Ashley :D
Thanks for sticking with us Rod.This is really the only cigar site I visit regularly.I like it here.
When I first started reading your post I felt a sense of dread come over me. I finally found a great forum with people incredibly passionate about this website and the community and it sounded like that was going to be lost.

But your passion would not allow you to sell out. There are not many people like you out there any more.

Thank you for showing the real meaning of integrity.


This is the only cigar community of which I am an active and (I hope others will agree) contributing member. I am by no means an expert, a FOG, or even anything other than a passionate newbie. I have always felt especially privileged to be a member here, as the community is the best I've seen.

Thank you for retaining full control and ownership of the board. While I may not always agree with your decisions here, it's easy for me to be a Monday morning quarterback, and your approach has been better than any I've seen around.

Here's to another eight years, man.

Just wanted to say thanks Rod. A decision like you made is far from easy and one that I don't know I could have. Props to you.
cheers Rod, thank you for all you do here!
That's an upstanding maneuver on your part, Rod. Placing people and principles in front of the almighty dollar is a rare occurrence, and it's damned nice to see.

Now - everybody here is thankful for what Rod has done, but the fact remains that he turned down a sizable chunk of change to keep CP intact. I'd like to suggest perhaps a brainstorming thread of ways Rod can generate more revenue from this site - if other members agree it to be appropriate, and of course with Rod's blessing. Maybe we can come up with some ideas that maintain the integrity of the site, but make Rod's decision work out even better for him financially than the offer he received. Now THAT would be cool.
Well said...Put me and others on a PM list and lets start brainstorming.

Thanks Rod!

I had that same sense of dread as others while reading the majority of you post. While I would not blame you for selling this place, I know it would never be the same without you being the sole owner/decision maker of this site a lot of us call home. Thus the reason for my feeling sick while reading the first part of the post.
I don't know what it is. I have tried quite a few other cigar, and non cigar related forums. This is the one I come to, and the only one I consider home. I have made some of the best friends I have ever known here. Something about this place draws the type of caliber people I would love to be able to call life long friends.

I don't know what you did, but you did it right...Or, should I say deep down I do know that it's all about your passion. The rest of us just feed of of it, and want to see a good thing like CP stay around for years to come, with you at the helm.
Wait a minute...are we talking about a hefty down payment on a house in MALIBU and money left over for an Italian sports car? :laugh:

Good job you can read here, you made the right decision :thumbs: