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Lost my four legged friend yesterday....then I get bombed to hell


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2009
I left my previous home a little over a year ago. Had to leave my dog with my Ex as it was best for her (the dog). It was the 2nd hardest thing I have done in my adult life. Not having kids, my animals are my kids, and to have her pulling at me as I walked away was heart breaking. Well after 8 months of blood issues she passed in her sleep yesterday morning as sweet and innocent as she was. Kills me I couldn't be there for her in the end.

So when I came home from work and had a box in the mail from that damn sneeds guy, it defiantly lifted me up alittle. And when I opened the OVER stuffed box, I was amazed. The amount or cigars, cost of those cigars, and rarity of those cigars is beyond generous. That was not called for whom ever you are! I did nothing to deserve that. But at a time when it seemed like nothing else mattered in life, I thank you. It was very generous and way over the top my friend. It was perfect timing and I can't wait to pay it forward. I seriously do not deserve that though.

That being said "sneeds" unlike the first bomb I got, this was hand written....and I now have a zip and tracking number.....I think there are a few more sneeds out there. I am getting closer to finding you sir.
I'm saddened by your loss.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.
The pain of losing your best friend is as real as losing the life of a human family member. I lost mine when I was 19, I've not had another dog since, the pain was just to great.
Heart felt sorrow for the loss of your girl...the dog, not your wife.
Sorry to hear, brother. I know what you're going through.
Sorry to hear about your girl, Ben. May you see her again on the Rainbow Bridge. 
I feel for you and have recently experienced that feeling you got in the pit of your stomach over the loss of your little lady.
As for the timing of the bomb, God always seems to give you what you need...and when you need it. While that package only eased the pain, just the thought that someone holds you in that regard is very comforting.
Godspeed to your little girl and BTW....that bomb couldn't have hit a nicer guy! :thumbs:
We've lost four legged family members....with our kids more or less grown and out of the house, our dogs are our kids.  I know what you are feeling, and I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.
Burn one of those awesomely timed bomb smokes, and think of the good times with your dog.  The time will come when the pain of the memories turns to a smile and a recollection of good times together.
Very sorry to hear this. Thoughts are with you my friend...
Well timed bomb Mr Sneeds, but sorry to hear about your girl.
I'm sorry for your loss sir. I hope you can cherish the happy memories and be grateful for having such a baby that enriched your life over the years.
Sucks man... losing the furkids hurts like hell. Someday the pain will turn to smiles at the memories. Hang in there.
Well timed indeed on the bomb Sneeds! Ben is an outstanding BOTL.
Ben I am sorry to hear about you dog and I wish you well.
That dastardly "Sneeds" is sending out some hellacious bombs, but I bet none of them as well-timed or needed as this one.  So sorry for the loss of your furry lil' buddy.  
I almost lost one of my children last month, I can only imagine what you're going through. I'm sorry to hear about your companion, but bombs certainly have a way of showing up at opportune moments!
Sorry to hear that.  Dogs are like family.  My sincerest condolences.
Great timing on that bomb, too.  Sometimes it's like things happen as they do for a reason.  As for Sneeds' identity, I kinda like to think of the Mad Bomber as akin to the Midnight Toaster at Edgar Alan Poe's gravesite.  Sometimes it's just better to accept things for what the are and enjoy the kindness of an anonymous stranger, rather than look too hard for the rational explanation.
Sorry for your loss. I have 2 very spoiled toy poodles and I understand the meaning of your loss.