Lost My Faith


New Member
Feb 21, 2004
Well guys I am about to give up on my dreams of smoking some genuine cubans. Seems the newest source I have been usinf is selling fakes. My proof.......ever hear of a Cohiba Piramide LE 2003? No, we all know the only 2003 LE by Cohiba is the Double Corona. :( I am so sick and tired of spending my hard earned money for fakes. The thing that pisses me off on all forums is when I read about when someone has bought fakes but they thought they tasted good is when everyone says..."well at least you like them." Well IMHO.......who cares if they taste good? If you wanted a Lexus and paid the Lexus price tag would you be happy to own a Hyundai just because it drove well? Sorry guys just frustrated and venting ??? thanks for listening.
Sorry about your experience bro.

Keep your head up, and make sure to spread the word (discreetly of course)!
I can't comment with a certainity, but there could be 2003 LE Cohiba Piramides. There were Monte LE robustos produced in two different years, with the two differing bands. I haev seen Monte LEs with teh original Edicion Limitada band that has no date and then some with the 2001 LE band. It IS possible. Do a bit of research and I think it may be that you have ligetimate cigars. But, since I have not personally seen any, I can not say for sure.
I have looked all over the web to no avail. The LE band said 2003. I dont have one here. My friend has it. He is going to get me a pic and when he does I will post it.
I have a question: Why are you having a hard time finding what you're looking for?

If one were to go to the Cigar Pass Homepage it would seem that they could find a reputable vendor (or a bunch) right under their nose.
Well, what I liked about this is I could drive 15 mins, hand select what I wanted and ship them to myself. I am worried about picking a vendor that is not trustworthy and losing money.
How about trying one of those weekend flights to Canada for a round or two of golf and a chance to smoke all of the legit Cubans you want? I know it might be a little extream but it's just a thought :D
I can confirm that 2003 Cohiba Pyramids EL exist. Smoked one a few months ago and have another sitting in my humi, both gifted from a very reliable BOTL. Not my favorite Cohiba but still a good cigar. :thumbs:
I can confirm that 2003 Cohiba Pyramids EL exist. Smoked one a few months ago and have another sitting in my humi, both gifted from a very reliable BOTL. Not my favorite Cohiba but still a good cigar. :thumbs:
good to know.

I also know that they have made the HdM piramides [EL] in more than one year too.
Hang around here long enough and you'll be able to smoke as many Havanas as you can afford ;)

Since you share a birthday with Geroge W. Bush (the father) I just might be inclined to send you a few :D ;)
I wouldn't cast these off so soon.
It's my understanding that the factories use whatever bands are available.
So it's indeed possible to have EL's w/ 2003 bands.

But the proof is in how they smoke.