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Loooooong time, back with a vengence


I just might be your huckleberry
May 22, 2002
Well, some of you might remember me, some of ya might not. I was the guy that had major surgery way back when, couldn't function, and should have been left for dead. Rumors of my demise are unfounded hehehe. I'm back. 100% better, hearts tickin' well enough finally, I've lost a ton of weight, and I'm still smokin my seeeegars. I don't know who's left from the old brigade, but I wanted to publicly thank those of you that sent emails and well wishes.


-Tony :thumbs:
Good to see you alive and well Tony! Welcome back!! :thumbs:
Thanks guys.

FYI, I posted a new pass. Got to bring me back into it, so let's git it on!

Welcome back AGAIN Tony!!

I thought we welcomed you back once already but you went AWOL again. Don't let it happen again ;)
Welcome back Tony!!! My first pass participation was in one of yours! I'm glad you are feeling better!
Welcome back Tony and it's great to see your doing much better..... :) :thumbs: :cool:
Welcome Back Tone! Uh did you keep the girl? Good to see ya back in the saddle.

BenjieV :D
Heya Benji, ya, kept the girl. The girl and I got hitched on Oct 3, 2k4. Thanks for asking and remembering me *sniff*

I <3 you guys

:p :love: :whistling: :laugh: