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Looking for the Ultimate Noob.


FFOX Whore
Jul 31, 2008
I'm looking for two super Noob's. By Super Noob I mean: New to cigars, new to forum.. No I've been smoking for 5+ years but new here.. Your first post must have been in the Intro room, and since no asshatery. Looking for someone who joined around the beginning of the year.

There will be two fiver's as prizes. Nothing fancy, but one will have a Opus X inside.. The Opus is labeled with a number between 1-20. First person(noob) may get 5 guess', the next and last Noob may then get 5 guess', to be posted openly in the thread. Closest guess or dead on, gets the Opus. I am PM'ing someone right now with the answer. Good luck and have fun...
tone-ny always wins these things.
We finally found a contest that JLada has no chance of winning! :laugh:

Nice play Mike.
hummmm...I might just qualify for this one, I think I've been good, and started out right!!! :whistling:

I joined in Feb of this year, I started smoking GOOD cigars Nov 08

but the number guess has me somewhat confused...I am sure its me, and the swisher sweet residue left over in my brain, but I am not sure what ya mean, pick 5 numbers between 1-20??

EDIT: Ok...I git it now :rolleyes:

11 and 14 Thanks very much for the contest!!! ;)
5 minutes ago i posted my introduction post this is my second.
Do i qualify? :D :D

Very generous offer you are making here and very gentleman like.
Even if you do think i qualify for the game please...................don`t.
I`m already familiar with these fine cigars and someone who isn`t should really get this great opportunity.
I'm pretty much a noob. If I can get in on this and if in fact you get 5 guesses, my guesses are
Thanks for the contest (and if I'm allowed to play!)
oh, and my first post was in the intro forum!
I'm pretty much a noob. If I can get in on this and if in fact you get 5 guesses, my guesses are
Thanks for the contest (and if I'm allowed to play!)
oh, and my first post was in the intro forum!
Did you post your intro? I couldn't find it. Sorry if I missed it, I come up to Morgantown about 3-4 times a year
If I start a thread in Cuban section asking for sources on White Owl Cigars that are ISOM, do I win?
Well I'm pretty dang new and have no idea what different cigars are until I smoke the next to know whether I like it or not. I also posted an intro but am not sure if it was my first post, but I am going to shoot for it.


edited to add word that was left out for correct grammar as requested by the FOGs in the guidelines for the site