Looking For A Good Vacuum Sealer


Aderaline Junkie
Mar 12, 2010
I need a good vacuum sealer. I am looking at the FOODSAVER V3840.

Anyone have any experience with this unit? I have researched it quite a bit and it seems to be the best for my needs.

I need a good vacuum sealer. I am looking at the FOODSAVER V3840.

Anyone have any experience with this unit? I have researched it quite a bit and it seems to be the best for my needs.


That is the exact one that I have and I love it. My biggest suggestion would be to get the mason jar attachment and get a bunch of mason jars. I use those by far more than anything else.
Thanks. Everyone else that I spoke with that has this sealer, really likes it too.
I don't have that model but speaking well of the brand, my Pro II is still going strong after more than 5 years.

The only grief I have with them is that for Alaskan customers, they charge way too much for shipping. All I needed was a new lower gasket ($3.00 each) and the shipping was about 8 times the product cost.
I have an earlier model and love it.

I second the jar adapter. :thumbs:

Also, for bags check out Sweet Attack. They also sell on ebay. Been using their bags for at least a year.