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Here ducky, ducky, ducky!
Aug 25, 2001
It appears that we have several people from CP that will be attending this Herf in the Land of Lincoln.

Who's on the list of attendee's?
OK, why is it always ALL things end up on the same date??? I'll be damned if The Tunica Sporting CLays shoot isn't the same Mother Pluckin' weekend as this herf!!!! Rats, now I am FORCED to make a decision that isn't gonna be easy. Boy, I wonder what would make me lean towards heading North for that weekend...maybe some nice, free "Aged, Rare and Unusual" cigars? Yeah, that'd prolly be the ticket... :lookup: Shamless, I know.... :sign:
About 90 percent sure that I'll be able to attend. Just finalizing my work schedule for the fall.

BW, you show up and there is a Vintage Papayo in it for ya! :D :D :D
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this taking place on the weekend of Oct 12? You know, the weekend I'm GETTING MARRIED?!?! Do you think Carrie would understand my being a little late to the wedding?

I'm definately going to make it next year (assuming some bonehead doesn't schedule it on our 1 year anniversary......)
Dave :p
Dave, let me give you a little advice on the getting married thingy...... I'm an expert....done it 3 times. :0 :0

You are about to set the tone for how you will be living the rest of your life...... it will be in your best interest to not start things out by letting her think that her wedding is more important than your cigars. I highly recommend that you tell her this now or prepare yourself for flowery Comforters on your bed and frilly window curtains for the rest of your life. :0 ;) Trust me..... I wished ....... huh..... what?..... just a second dear..... I'll get them dishes done as soon as I'm done...... Now where was I, oh yea, be a man Dave and stand up to her, let her know who wears the pants around the house. ;)
Allofus123 said:
Dave, let me give you a little advice on the getting married thingy...... I'm an expert....done it 3 times.  :0  :0  
Expert at getting married or staying married?LMAO. :p

Half your humidor is hers come "I do".ROTFLMAO :p
Well, now that I know all of youse guys are coming I may have to head to Jamaica that weekend!!  :sign:  
Oh and Dave it is my 10 year anniversary that weekend and I HAVE my priorities straight! LMAO
Now Worm, I'm almost positive there will be a couple Aged, rare and unusual things floating around at LOL Herf II..matter of fact I'm almost positive poker will be there.  :0
Devin, the doors to mi casa are open my friend. :)

Let's see who did I miss???  Shadow!! Will be a real pleasure to herf with you Bro! and Beast...I think I already told ya', but be sure to fill up taht traveldor, Bro! Now, what the heck do we have to do to get Brother Vern out here? I mean afterall it'll be a business expense to him now! hint hint....  :thumbs:

Oh and an update on the raffle...we are still waiting on payment from a couple of people, no one from this board. But, we will do the drawing ASAP..I know there are a couple people with their fingers crossed pretty tight! LMAO
So are relative newbies allowed to show up for these things?!?!?! LMAO!!!!

I'm tryin' to get the wife to go home to her mothers house(Quincy, IL) and drop me off on the way. Then she could pick me up on the way back home to the Commonwealth.

I'm going to do my best to show up. I'll get all of the details later.

I am going to have to pass on LOLH this year. My surgery that I had last month went from a two week recuperation to what now appears to be a 10 week recuperation. :angry:

That will pretty much knock my leave down to where I have to save my remaining leave for the family for this year.

At least next year I know I won't have to worry about leave to attend because I will be retired by that time! :sign:
Sorry to hear that Bill, but get well and we'll see you next year. :)