Locker Storage


Obviously you're not a golfer.
Dec 28, 2021
Do any of you guys use locker service... or have you before? If so, what are your thoughts about them? Actually, that question is for anyone. Was at my local lounge Saturday night and I was talking (bragging) about the plans for my new humi.

A buddy asked, sort of jokingly, if I was gonna have lockers they could use. There was the initial round of laughter.. but then I started thinking about it, and a buddy noticed. He said he was just joking, but if I did he would pay the "regular price". I laughed and thanked him for his altruism.

I figure most of the forum are like me, DIY'ers with your collections. But I've seen plenty of lockers at B&Ms all across this country and many others.. so I know they're getting used! Some B&Ms don't allow you to bring in your own sticks (a topic for later), and you have to buy to smoke.. unless it's from your locker. I know some also don't mind as long as you order drinks and/or buy liquor.

So, I thought I could have a key that opens just that person's locker along with this door:


Coming in there you get the mudroom.. which has it's own lock to get into the rest of house.. or it takes you right to the basement:


You get the general idea.. instead of taking the 3 steps there you can go down to basement. And there's literally nothing in the basement to have concern over.. there's the hvac, water heater and softener. Once you go through mudroom, it's a rather large laundry room, which is then connected to kitchen:


And the plan is to build the humi starting at the polls and going to the rockwall. A GC said he could do a light sandblasting of the stone to clean and polish them and then seal it all with a glaze that will "really make it pop". Here's a cropped and zoomed in shot of area:


The whole hvac/waterheater/softener would have an enclosure around it with a door for service, I'd decorate its walls with various cigar stuff. The ceiling will all be finished.. haven't got to lighting yet, but will be nice.

So, during normal daytime hours, someone could come and access their locker and I wouldn't even need to be there. I already have cameras planned, and can see video in realtime like I'm already doing at my current condo. So I'd be notified when someone was there. So not worried about theft.. not exactly that kind of crowd ya know? Especially with cameras in place and me already holding their stash.

I figure it's a super easy way to have basically hands-off passive and residual income. A modest investment upfront and then autopay payments just rolling in month after month after that.

With seeing all that, any thoughts, feedback, concerns, etc, would be greatly appreciated! 👍
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My initial thought was how do you limit hours of access? I guess a separate deadbolt with a different key on the lock would suffice?

Then the next question I had is what would stop someone from lighting up in the basement? If that matters or not.

Personally, while I applaud the idea and ingenuity, I would not feel comfortable. Two reasons. First, every time I heard someone in there, I’d freak out. (Or if doing laundry and someone walked in). Second, I would think you would need some sort of insurance in case something happened to peoples stash, but what if someone fell down the stairs? It’s all in the liability.

What if someone steals another’s stash somehow? What if your buddy got wasted and forgot he took 3 of his prized sticks to golf instead of 2, and accused you of taking one?

For me the cons outweigh the pros. I guess the same thing could happen in a local lounge but with a set storefront and name and insurance, I feel it’s a lot less likely to occur.
My initial thought was how do you limit hours of access? I guess a separate deadbolt with a different key on the lock would suffice?

Then the next question I had is what would stop someone from lighting up in the basement? If that matters or not.

Personally, while I applaud the idea and ingenuity, I would not feel comfortable. Two reasons. First, every time I heard someone in there, I’d freak out. (Or if doing laundry and someone walked in). Second, I would think you would need some sort of insurance in case something happened to peoples stash, but what if someone fell down the stairs? It’s all in the liability.

What if someone steals another’s stash somehow? What if your buddy got wasted and forgot he took 3 of his prized sticks to golf instead of 2, and accused you of taking one?

For me the cons outweigh the pros. I guess the same thing could happen in a local lounge but with a set storefront and name and insurance, I feel it’s a lot less likely to occur.

Those are all good points. I would know anytime someone was entering the back entrance. And there's a whole separate door between the laundry room and mudroom. That would always be locked and deadbolted. Knowing there might be people stopping by occasionally during business hours wouldn't be an issue at all. I'm the only one living there. And I'd meet all these people if I didn't sort of know many of them already.

There would also be a general contract and liability waiver signed upon rental.. same as if renting a storage unit.. I would probably use a standard one as a template for mine, have my attorney review and fill in any gaps. There would be set hours.. just like at any B&M, and the door would be locked at "closing".

The usual not being responsible for theft and "acts of God" and other traditional legalese would all be in the contract freeing me from the normal liability you see in similar contracts.

Definitely not concerned about someone getting drunk and accusing me of stealing a cigar(s). Just like the current storage unit I rent now, they would have the only key to their lock, just like I have the only key to the NIB lock I was given for my unit. At the heart of it, that's what they're getting.. a storage unit.

Another thing about the property, it's zoned both residential AND commercial. I figured I could always pick up a bare bones general liability plan from anywhere cheap. I was thinking maybe 20-30 lockers or so.. maybe 5 or 10 with some extra size to them. $35-$50/mo... or pay 6 or 12 months upfront for discounts. Basics like that.

I KNOW it's wayyy pricier than that at a local lounge with their setup.. those guys are like $99/mo, if my buddy is right. And most look super tiny to me.. maybe 3 boxes worth and a dozen loosies or so... going from how the exteriors look.

I am extremely happy for the concerns you mentioned.. and it's definitely harder to paint the full picture without being able to see it IRL. The house, with the big mudroom, and then the really big laundry room, makes that whole part of the house just seem really far away. It definitely wouldn't affect me in the main living quarters. There's even a small hall between the laundry room before it ends up in kitchen, which then goes into the main house.

I wouldn't have it open to just the general public.. it's gonna be guys well-off enough to have a nice stash of cigars and who would rent a locker in a very nice humi who have a contract with me.

And, of course, I'd be remiss if I didn't say that the idea of making it all into a full-fledged B&M hasn't crossed my mind! I could make the land back there a smoker's paradise!! Especially with my plans to grow tobacco... wouldn't it be cool to admire various growing tobacco plants while enjoying a cigar fresh from a box you just bought.. with the rest going in the locker you just rented?!

Idk.. I keep daydreaming about it as I'm meeting with contractors to do everything else.. *sigh... Sorry for the extra long post fellas.. doing a lot of thinking out loud here... 🤔
I don’t get it.

Build yourself a cool man cave, Dan, and invite some friends over?

That's already happening. That's how the humi even got its start. And it's same friends who planted the locker, and other, seeds. But it's a lot of space and instead of just constantly pouring cash into it, why not let it be an epic cigar destination and make some dollars too.

Not married. No kids. Work from home 80% of the time.. if not more soon. And the place is about as ideal as you're gonna get to do something like this. I think it would be incredible to have an insanely cool cigar mancave AND have the ability to do it as a business. If I could supplement my income that way it would be a dream.

Have it operate from the lower and backend of my home. No commute, no exorbitant leases or crazy overhead.. pass the savings on to the customer. Smoke cigars all day while shooting the breeze about cigars.. or whatever. The population here is exploding.. so are rents and operating costs.. watching as some locals keep jacking up prices just to cover their $5,600/mo lease payment.

And where I'm at is SO underserved. There's NOTHING in the burbs lounge or B&M wise.. they're all in Madison proper.. or you have to contend with it. There's so much opportunity out here for all the people who can't stand going into the city. And for the second or third year in a row now they keep naming Madison the #1 city to live in in the country.. so there's tons of growth.. and TONS of nonstop construction.

The funniest thing about all of this.. 2 months ago I had zero plans at all for buying another property. Wasn't looking. Hadn't given it a thought. Figured I'd be where I was for many more years. And then by sheer chance this opportunity came into the picture... and resulted in what happened.

I believe the Cigar Gods have called upon me for a Higher porpoise...

When Dan posts, I typically read the first two or three words and skim through, or ignore, the other 3000. So "Locker storage"

  1. Isn't a locker a storage unit of sorts?
  2. Why would you want to store a locker?
  3. If you put a storage bin inside a locker, would it be called a storage locker?
This gives a better idea.. driveway from road:


And then Google Earth with the aerial view.. you can see how all the gravel (for now) area at the rear entrance could easily accommodate several vehicles.. and how my land to the left could be a great outdoor smoking patio and area to grow tobacco.. it's prime farmland around there already:

My thought is wouldnt it be a better idea to either convert one of the garages or build an additional one for this sole purpose, instead of having random people coming into the basement of your home? Then you wouldn’t have to fuck with partitioning off part of the utility area of the basement. Not to mention having people smoking in your house at any given time.

Also, whoever owned that place before you needs to be kicked in the dick for using plywood for wall and ceiling covers
My thought is wouldnt it be a better idea to either convert one of the garages or build an additional one for this sole purpose, instead of having random people coming into the basement of your home? Then you wouldn’t have to fuck with partitioning off part of the utility area of the basement. Not to mention having people smoking in your house at any given time.

Also, whoever owned that place before you needs to be kicked in the dick for using plywood for wall and ceiling covers

That area in the basement is going to be more personal humi no matter what. An actual B&M type deal, were it to ever occur would not be in the house itself.. the basement will be finished and my own mancave lounge. It would also be largely in area not seen in photos. I wouldn't want just general public coming down there.

A few dozen people I've met and sat down with ahead of time that I have contracts with for lockers? That would be fine. The humi is going in that area there.. it's just the best possible spot and let's me use the rockwall that's there which I really like. The entrance from the backdoor right down to the basement seems like a whole other building from the main house.

It's just like any part of someone's home that they decide to turn into an office, or whatever, to meet clients, guests, patients, customers.. whatever. You probably wouldn't open it up for the general public to just come in whenever. People I would allow would have a meeting with me, a contract, notice of hours, their own key, etc.

And even if I kept the finished basement just all to myself, I'd still partition and enclose the hvac, etc, for aesthetics and noise abatement purposes. It just also happens to be near where the humi is going.
Also, whoever owned that place before you needs to be kicked in the dick for using plywood for wall and ceiling covers

I think it's referred to as "country chic".

But yeah, there's a number of things that will be changing.. but overall it's pretty minor.. biggest thing is finishing basement and adding a master bath WITH sauna.. gotta have a sauna again.

Even the humi should be relatively easy as far as construction. Found a dude who specializes in making really nice closets.. I never really appreciated how nice and functional some closets could actually be until looking at his work!
This might be the stupidest idea I have ever heard and trust me that makes it pretty stupid. Who the fuck would store there cigars at some dudes house. Lockers at a lounge makes sense but otherwise a cheap cooler and some beads gives you all the cheap at home as storage anyone could need. That being said send me all your cigars and I will store them for you lol. Trust me they will be fine unless of course there's a fire or two.
Who the fuck would store there cigars at some dudes house. Lockers at a lounge makes sense but otherwise a cheap cooler and some beads gives you all the cheap at home as storage anyone could need.

Uhh, because when the design is finished it will be essentially a cigar lounge complete with a brand new walk-in humi of considerable size. And there will be year-round heated patio areas specifically tailored for cigar smokers.

Oh, and it would be half the cost to boot. The better question is, who the fuck wouldn't store their cigars there.. if they're the kind of person who would use a locker?
Here is my take, I don't want any drama!

When you provide a service you are open to all kind of issues like tpc mentioned. Don't want anyone driving up on my property at all hours. Plus you should check your homeowners policy to see what kind of rider you would need as well as any local ordinance, don't want big brother confiscating the stash for non-compliance.
Uhh, because when the design is finished it will be essentially a cigar lounge complete with a brand new walk-in humi of considerable size. And there will be year-round heated patio areas specifically tailored for cigar smokers.

Oh, and it would be half the cost to boot. The better question is, who the fuck wouldn't store their cigars there.. if they're the kind of person who would use a locker?
You're so full of yourself that you can't amit your idea is stupid. But let me point out a few thing if we overlook the big who the gell is going to pay you to store cigars.

1. Check with you municipality to see if can operate a business in your home.
2. Check and see how much insurance will be since your home insurance will not cover any of losses or injuries. If you can legally do this in you house of course since they will not insure you
3. Who's is responsible if someone puts a box of beetles in and it spreads. Lots of liability.
You're so full of yourself that you can't amit your idea is stupid. But let me point out a few thing if we overlook the big who the gell is going to pay you to store cigars.

1. Check with you municipality to see if can operate a business in your home.
2. Check and see how much insurance will be since your home insurance will not cover any of losses or injuries. If you can legally do this in you house of course since they will not insure you
3. Who's is responsible if someone puts a box of beetles in and it spreads. Lots of liability.
This and the fact the ONLY reason anyone maintains a locker at a B&M is because if they want to go there, they have to smoke something they bought there and put in their locker.

Now if you put in a stripper pole, and have "free whisky night", that would make more sense.

The "what if's" on the bad side outweigh the "what if's" on the good side ten to one.