As someone pointed out before, what kind of paint does he use on his boxes? I bought a box a couple a weeks ago and threw it into my Win-odor thank god I don't keep much in there because when I opened it back up yesterday it smelled like crap from the out gassing of the paint. Is Pete in that much of a hurry to get these to market that he doesn't let the paint set up?
As someone pointed out before, what kind of paint does he use on his boxes? I bought a box a couple a weeks ago and threw it into my Win-odor thank god I don't keep much in there because when I opened it back up yesterday it smelled like crap from the out gassing of the paint. Is Pete in that much of a hurry to get these to market that he doesn't let the paint set up?
This has been happening for years. People still act like wild animals to get these cigars. Why should he change his practices now?
This has been happening for years. People still act like wild animals to get these cigars. Why should he change his practices now?
Because apparently it doesn't impact the flavor of the smoke. My three or four boxes are all sitting in my coolerdor and I'm not getting any funny flavors from the other stuff in there at all. Its a non-issue.
Some individuals have no problem storing their Acid shitsticks with premium limited releases in their coolidors - for them it is a non-issue. For Depasta and many others, they prefer to maintain a proper environment for their cigar storage, free of outgassing from poorly prepped Tatuaje boxes.
I guess I got lucky as well with my 2 boxes. They haven't given off any foul odors and they have been smoking great!Some individuals have no problem storing their Acid shitsticks with premium limited releases in their coolidors - for them it is a non-issue. For Depasta and many others, they prefer to maintain a proper environment for their cigar storage, free of outgassing from poorly prepped Tatuaje boxes.
Maybe I got lucky and all of mine were stable by the time I got them. I just didn't detect anything like a strong paint smell off 'em.
Lil' Monsters cigars, depending on your vernacular, have been the talk of the boutique cigar world since Pete Johnson, creator of Tatuaje Cigars, first announced the pending release in January.
Lil' Monsters cigars, depending on your vernacular, have been the talk of the boutique cigar world since Pete Johnson, creator of Tatuaje Cigars, first announced the pending release in January.
Round circles are round.
Round circles are round.
Lil' Monsters cigars, depending on your vernacular, have been the talk of the boutique cigar world since Pete Johnson, creator of Tatuaje Cigars, first announced the pending release in January.
Round circles are round.
The special edition Lil Circles aren't. The first one is Square.