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Liga Privada Papas Fritas Opinions

Tall Paul

"insecure little bitch"
May 11, 2011
Let me start by saying that I am a big fan of the Liga Privada line and love the #9 Robusto. I was very excited about new release of the next cigar in the LP line especially since I am getting into smaller cigars with winter here in NH. I was lucky enough to pick up a tin of these last month during the event at my local shop and I let them sit for a couple days. I pulled the first one out of nice tin package on New Years Eve day to give them a test run. The cigar is very light in the hand and very squishy to the touch. I cut the cigar and notice the draw is very loose. Once I light the cigar I notice all the great LP quality's we love but the burn is awful like I was unzipping the cigar on one side so it needed to be corrected twice and on a cigar that is 4.5 inches long there is not much cigar to be able to enjoy when you have bad burn issues. So I ask your opinion of the Papas Fritas mine wound be that at $6.50 a cigar is way to high of a price for these. The tin cost me $26 in NH I can only imagine what the boys in NY paid. This is maybe a $3.50-$4.00 cigar in my opinion. The kicker to me about the cigar is that on the packaging it states that they are made from "Grade A1 filler tobacco trimmings created by the production of our famed Liga Privada blends..." So we paid top dollar for tobacco scraps from the LP line? I guess that tweaks me a little on the price. What do you guys think?

Haven't had one yet, bit have seen comments from Steve Saka in other blog comments that a good piece of the price on these is the packaging, which they consider to be a very important part of the 'whole package'.
The one I had didn't have burn issues and I paid a similar price ($24/ tin). I liked the way it tasted and would likely buy more. I can see your point on the price, but I think 7-20-4's dig walker is about $4.50 at my local. I'd pay the additional $1.50 for a better tasting cigar.
I'm of the opinion that it's a tasty cigar, but a bit high in price considering that it's made up of scraps. I also find the burn and construction to be inconsistent.
I have to agree with your thoughts. I was not overly impressed, it was good not great. I think the cost for four stick at $25 and it being a filler tobacco is a big part of what bothers me. If they packed them like Bait Fish they might get the cost down. No need for a tin that I am going to toss anyway.

I have been a fan of the Liga Privada and Unico stuff, but lately have been a bit disappointed with the availability and IMO a drop in quality/consistency.
I had no burn issues with mine (yet) and thought the smoke was good. Not doing backflips, but enjoyed it enough to grab some more.
Although, I have had some burn issues at some point with every brand I have smoked (Tats, DPG, Opus, AFs) Not often, but it has happened at least once. Don't let it discourage you Paul, just go down to that beer haven in your crib, pour a cold one from the tap and smoke something else. :D

Haven't had one yet, bit have seen comments from Steve Saka in other blog comments that a good piece of the price on these is the packaging, which they consider to be a very important part of the 'whole package'.

I would agree with this... Cool tins - yes IMO, but the novelty of the packaging quickly wears off. I go through it a lot with Pete's stuff. :laugh: However, I'd rather see such things as 'tins' be disregarded, therefore possibly saving the money on the cigar price per stick. To each there own I guess.

I have to agree with your thoughts. I was not overly impressed, it was good not great. I think the cost for four stick at $25 and it being a filler tobacco is a big part of what bothers me. If they packed them like Bait Fish they might get the cost down. No need for a tin that I am going to toss anyway.

I have been a fan of the Liga Privada and Unico stuff, but lately have been a bit disappointed with the availability and IMO a drop in quality/consistency.

Agreed ! I like to support JD, Saka, and the boys. I believe this L.P. line is something to be proud of, however, fans and customers of the blends within the Liga line get side swiped when they continue to spend a descent price on the sticks, but then miss opportunities to purchase releases such as the Ratzilla or the newer 'soft' release of the Velvet Ratts. - (which I'm still looking for *hint *hint). :laugh:
It's just nice to be able to try everything a certain brand puts out. I know it's easy for me to say, not being affiliated or responsible for quantity/marketing/production/etc., but if you plan on doing such a release, at least make the first run more available. Especially for the consistent supporters who are looking forward to a new release.
Have one sitting in my humi from my Beer Santa....will let ya know what I come up with, but have a feeling that since he already posted in this thread stating his was smoked with no issue, and assuming my came from the same tin....I should have no issue.
I consider myself a value cigar smoker. That doesn't mean I smoke cheap cigars, but it does mean that if I'm going to pay top dollar for a cigar, I expect it to be top dollar.

I love the stuff that Drew Estate puts out but I just can't bring myself to pay that much for a cigar made with short filler. Maybe I'm wrong and it's a terrific stick, but it's still not something I'm dying to try at the current price.
i dont have any yet but i plan to get may a tin but i think for packaging if its called papas fritas why didnt it come something like the baitfish but in the shape of a Mcdonalds fry box or in & out fry box
My SS was nice enough to send me one this year. I am going to have to give it a try this weekend and see.

After reading the back of the tin and seeing that the cigar is all short filler "left overs", I'm not sure the price point is correct.

Maybe JD will pop in and see this thread and comment...
i dont have any yet but i plan to get may a tin but i think for packaging if its called papas fritas why didnt it come something like the baitfish but in the shape of a Mcdonalds fry box or in & out fry box

Jesus smoked a few and posted a pic on his FB page over the Holidays. He said what so many others said...decent cigar, just not box worthy. As for the short filler, if it tastes and smokes well, I really don't let it sway my opinion. Some of the best cigars I've smoked were Cuban pesos that a friend would bring back with him when he was stationed at Guantanamo Bay years ago and they were made of scrap tobacco.

I just received mine in the mail yesterday so they have to rest for a bit before I'll break one out. Believe it or not, the best price I found out there (and had them in stock) was at 'Cigar.com'...which I just found out is owned by CI, never knew that.
Some of the best cigars I've smoked were Cuban pesos that a friend would bring back with him when he was stationed at Guantanamo Bay years ago and they were made of scrap tobacco.

My problem isn't the thought of smoking a short filler cigar. It's paying $6.50 for a short filler cigar. Cuban pesos got their name for a reason.
Where has JD been I haven't seen him post in quite a while. I think he needs to weigh in on this, I agree it doesn't do the LP line any favors.
Some of the best cigars I've smoked were Cuban pesos that a friend would bring back with him when he was stationed at Guantanamo Bay years ago and they were made of scrap tobacco.

My problem isn't the thought of smoking a short filler cigar. It's paying $6.50 for a short filler cigar. Cuban pesos got their name for a reason.

This... I tend to smoke short filler cigars when I am doing yard work, as they are inexpensive and are usually pretty good. My typical short filler cigar is the AF curly head, IMO good flavor, and at less than $3.00. I would have a hard time smoking a $5-6 short filler cigar doing yard work. Especially when I can get the curly head for half the price, and it's twice the size...

I think JD has a good idea with this stick, but I think his price point of the cigar is a bit out of whack. I would be all over them if they were in the $3 range.
I haven't tried any yet, couldn't find any. Looks like Gary's link is still good, may have to get a couple out of curiosity. Seems like an awfully expensive smoke, all things considered. But, I'm a big fan of the #9 and the Undercrown, so I suppose I'd better give them a whirl.

Sure with someone would take a clue from Pete's earlier work and make a smoke like the Tatuaje Bombazo or Cohete. These were 4X50 - 4X46 and were absolutely fantastic small smokes. Blend was on the money. Not as expensive as the Papa Fritas and made with long filler.

Yes, I have a box of each in the cabinet....can't bring myself to dig into them. When they are gone, they are gone. Damn shame....
I have to agree with the brethren on the over pricing point. I personally think a better, easier, cheaper, and more effective way to maximize product usage is to use the scraps and instead of making short filler cigars, make a Liga Privada line of pipe tobacco. I wouldn't complain spending $24 on a nice tin of Liga Privada 9 or T-52 pipe tobacco. Seems a good way to minimize waste and maximize profits. Cut the rollers and quality control aspect out of the equation, while using the left overs. Just my thoughts on the matter, but when I don't have 2 hours to smoke a premium DE stick, I can spend 30 and puff of the same stuff.
I have to agree with the brethren on the over pricing point. I personally think a better, easier, cheaper, and more effective way to maximize product usage is to use the scraps and instead of making short filler cigars, make a Liga Privada line of pipe tobacco. I wouldn't complain spending $24 on a nice tin of Liga Privada 9 or T-52 pipe tobacco. Seems a good way to minimize waste and maximize profits. Cut the rollers and quality control aspect out of the equation, while using the left overs. Just my thoughts on the matter, but when I don't have 2 hours to smoke a premium DE stick, I can spend 30 and puff of the same stuff.

Well, aren't you the DE master... :laugh:
LP9 or Undercrown pipe tobacco... now that'd make me search out a pipe (I need an excuse, anyhow). :thumbs:
Let me say that if I could afford them for a steady diet, I'd buy the heck out of the #9. I bought 10 as a treat and rationed myself to one per Sunday. But to sell a branded smoke with JD's initials on them with floor swept remains is a affront to his brothers. At that price point it would be better to waste a Padron 2000 than to buy what probably is an experiment in how well the brand name sells versus the quality of the smoke. CP is not the place to get the BOTL's upset lest we spread the word amongst other BOTL's and our frequented B&M's.