I would not say that proposing a propylene glycol-based antifreeze as a humidity control system necessarily makes one a "tool."Lumberg:
...Finally, about the CLimaxx beads, I disagree. I use low-tox automotive antifreeze with great results and it is WAY cheaper than Climaxx! Yes it is made with PG (the regular stuff is Ethylene Glycol) and it's about $6 for A GALLON! That's just about a lifetime supply. And my humi has been at EXACTLY 70% since I started using it!...
Yes, it does seem that he is a complete tool...Thanks for the advice
It is certainly ill advised if one disregards the common sense concerns related to the other components in the anti-freeze. But as a conceptual study, it should certainly be expected to work.
Lumberg didn't always do his best to "get along" and that seemed to get in the way of the discourse around the issues and ideas he raised. I don't know him personally and perhaps that is what allows me to take a more dispassionate look at the things he said.