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Let's post our awesome cigar related quotes!

Jeff B.

NWMSU Mafia Hitman
Mar 8, 2005
Came across an awesome one today, don't know if anyone has heard it but figured it's post-worthy:

"...One such person was Ernie Kovacs, a major cigar smoker and a much-loved pioneer of iconoclastic comedy on late-night television. David Letterman and many other comedians continue to borrow heavily from Kovacs' material, philosophy, and style. We'll never know how much he might have contributed to a culture in need of a laugh because his life was cut short in 1962, at the age of 42, when he crashed his car. According to legend, the police found Kovacs slumped behind the wheel, his ever-present cigar in one hand and an unlit match in the other. There was widespread speculation that his trying to light the cigar might have caused the accident. What I think happened, however, is that after the crash, knowing he had only moments to live, his last act on earth was to attempt to light his cigar."

Let's see more awesome quotes!
<-- True comedian. Still laugh at all his skits. :p

Rudyard Kipling, "A woman is only a woman, but a good cigar is a Smoke."
I have no idea who to attribute this quote to but it is a favorite of mine.

I spent most of my money on cigars, women and booze. The rest I wasted.

"I'm at the age now where just putting my cigar in its holder is a thrill."

-George Burns
If there are no cigars in Heaven, I shall not go.

-Mark Twain-
Don't kiss and tell, newby!!!

"If your wife doesn't like the aroma of your cigar, change your wife."
Zino Davidoff

Start here for a bunch of the main ones.

Prince Sined Yar Maharg of fabled Xanadu:
"A fine cigar is the essence of life. The tobacco plant comes from the earth, from which we ourselves were created. Like ourselves, each leaf grows and is nurtured individually, acquiring its own characteristics, and is then graded, sorted, and matured according to their special abilities. As tobacco comes to its graduation in the making of cigars, as with the making of adults, some is left on the cutting room table and become ordinary, run-of-the-mill products. Some graduate into leadership and areas of responsibility, but a few achieve greatness, and even a touch of immortality."

"There are five things, above all else, that make life worth living: a good relationship with God, a good woman, good health, good friends, and a good cigar. "

Writer, Somerset Maugham, said of cigars, that they were, "the only realized ambition which has not brought disillusion."

Author Unknown:""A fine cigar is just like a woman. If you don't light it up just right and suck on it with a certain frequency, it will go out on you."

Demi Moore, says, "There's something about smoking a cigar that feels like a celebration. It's like a fine wine. There's a quality, a workmanship, a passion that goes into the smoking of a fine cigar."

"If I had taken my doctor's advice and quit smoking when he advised me to,I wouldn't have lived to go to his funeral."
George burns at age 98

George Burns: "Happiness? A good cigar, a good meal, a good cigar and a good woman - or a bad woman; it depends on how much happiness you can handle."

Peter Falk: "I'll smoke anything anybody gives me, I'm not particular."

Jack Handy: "I have to laugh when I think of the first cigar, because it was probably just a bunch of rolled up tobacco leaves"

In Wreathes of Smoke
by Frank Newton Holman

In wreathes of smoke, blown waywardwise,
Faces of olden days uprise,
And in his dreamer's reverie
They haunt the smoker's brain, and he
Breathes for the past regretful sighs.

Mem'ries of maids with azure eyes,
In dewy dells 'neath June's soft skies,
Faces that more he'll only see
In wreaths of smoke.

Ebeu, eheu! How fast time flies--
How youth-time passion droops and dies,
And all the countless visions flee!
How worn would all those faces be,
Were they not swaithed in soft disguise
In wreaths of smoke!
In an interview with Cigar Aficionado, Compay Segundo, of Buena Vista Social Club fame, was asked how he had lived so long (he was 99 or 100 at the time). He simply said, "I drink a lot, I smoke a lot, and I f@#& a lot" I really like that.
That song isn't even about Cigars. It's basically about the bands hate for the record industry, a parody of what record execs say to up and coming bands.
During the reign of Queen Victoria, smoking was frowned upon and not allowed at court. That changed when Edward VII came to the throne at the beginning of the 20th Century, and after dinner pronounced, "Gentlemen, you may smoke."

"There are five things, above all else, that make life worth living: a good relationship with God, a good woman, good health, good friends, and a good cigar. "
Prince Sined Yar Maharg :thumbs:
mhortsch said:
The lyrics to the entire Pink Floyd song have a cigar

While I love that song, the only cigar mentioning lyrics are the first line.

"Come in here, dear boy, have a cigar." - Pink Floyd

There's also "The cigar song" by Brad Paisley
But, the song does mention the word cigar...therefore, qualifying it in my book as a cigar quote! :laugh:
I'm reading Gone With the Wind and while I am at a loss for a pithy quote, Rhett Butler enjoys a fine Havana cigar and I like that image.
Don't know if its true but, was told to me ;
Kinky Friedman (running for Gov of Texas) met Bill Clinton somehow and tried to hand him a Cuban. Bill said he couldn't accept contraban due to the embargo. Kinky leaned in and said.. "Think of it as burning their fields"