damn, that's a really nice turn of phrase!StatHaldol said:Let it go, resentment is like drinking a poison & waiting for the other person to die.
What the Lag dude said. Ah, ha ha.MilesMingusMonk said:
snip my high school sweetheart of 5 yrs snip
This thread is meaningless without 30 year old Polaroids to prove you tapped it first... :whistling:
I think you need to grow up.atuck said:I just found out my brother went and spent the weekend w my high school sweetheart of 5 yrs. is it wrong that I'm upset w the situation? He is a lowlife that I don't want associated w someone that I care about. I am very upset about this. What do you think? Let me know what your opinion is, please. Most I have tAlked to about this think my brother is wrong.