Leaving the cigar business


You were always great to myself and so many others here! Good luck in your new adventure, I wish you all the best.
Good luck to you Isy. Even though I didn't purchase much as I would have liked from you, you always treated me like someone you'd known for years and had great deals. I know you'll succeed in your next venture.
Congrats on the new adventure Isy. I expect you will find success in the skies.

Joe G
Woah, sorry to see you leaving the business, but good luck with the new venture!
Good luck with your new venture Israel and thank you for your service and attention to detail in the past. I look forward to seeing more of you around here.
A big "Thank You" to you Isy for all the years of taking care of my orders for me, the conversations were always enjoyable and I have learned much from your experience too. I'm very excited for you in this new chapter in your life and although Uptown has lost one of their best, I appreciate you introducing me to the next tobacconist there who can help me in the future.

See ya on the boards and keep us updated with your life!

Man I keep looking at the date of the post and half expecting it to be April 1st :laugh:

Good luck Isreal I really hope the new biz works for you.. You were always easy to deal with. Also you put together some killer sampler packs.
Holy shit, I missed this thread!?

Isy, I wish you the best of luck!
Thanks all! I just started my new job after sitting for about a week. Left Sunday and couldn't move into my apt in PA until Thursday, so I spent several days in NC. All moved in, power is on and I'm looking forward to my new gig. Lots of friends and family who still have no power and some who have lost a lot more. Hope to see many of you soon!
Good to hear that you are all set up and stuff brother. Enjoy the next chapter of your life and hopefully we can see each other soon. lastly, thanks for the call from Fort Bragg, I'm happy that you enjoyed the stay....... :) :thumbs: :cool:
Congratulations to you Isy! Sounds like a great opportunity...they don't come around all that often. I wish you much success. Thanks for all of you help and service over the years. Looking forward to the next time we meet. Take care.
Well it was certainly a nice adventure going up to the NE, but now I'm back in FL and back in the cigar biz.  It was a great little adventure for me and it was great working with my brother, but I realized I should have stayed doing what I enjoy most.  Most ppl that know me well knew it was only a matter of time...