Land Of Lincoln Herf II

Matt R

That's #1 Member to you. :)
Jan 5, 2001
To those who are coming to the herf on October 11th and 12th. I have secured 10 rooms at the Marriott Rennaisance, which is about a block from the herf. The rooms are $69 per night, October 11 and 12. They are held in my name. So, if you are coming and need a place to stay, this is a heck of a deal. The hotel is not only near the herf, it is a very nice place to stay. If you are interested in one of the rooms let me know and I'll get you the exact details. I hope I need to book 20 more rooms, but we'll start with 10...actually 7, because three are already gone. :)
I'll take the details.... :D

I just noticed that I have the "Big Smoke" in Detroit on the 10th...holy sh*t...this is going to be one MEGA-HERF week. :p you still have rooms available? If so, I may go ahead and book one. That way I'll have a little more ammo for the wife to go home for the weekend! HAHAHAHA!!!

Let me know when you have the chance. Thanks.

guys i wanna herf so bad, i would sleep in the car with the dog if i could make it up there, but i might find a way to slip out of alabama for a day or two :( :(
well shoot, what about a montgomery herf at the brew pub in old town, by the river front, anyone else been there?

sorry, guess this should be in my thread on a bama herf, anyone interested shoot me an email at or post in the central al thread,


I'm gonna talk to Scotsman40 and if he's willing to drive you'll have 2 more for the herf and motel too.
PS. If N E 1 interested I'd be willing to host an "afterglow" in room (Blender wars?) for us night owls. ;)
Rooms are filling up. I have two left at the $69 per night rate. But, there are plenty of other places to stay, so if you need ideas, LMK. Looking forward to the herf!!