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Kentucky Derby in Las Vegas, 2023.


Call me "Walt Kowalski"
Jul 24, 2001
Fellas, a brother and I are planning a trip to Sin City for the Kentucky Derby. The Derby takes place on 06May2023.(first Saturday in May for you that don’t get it!)

I’m gonna try to set up arrival early Friday with departure early to mid Monday morning. So that 5th thru 8th, tentatively.

Best I can tell is we can still smoke in the gambling joints. There’s plenty to do for a few days, so spouses are absolutely welcome.

It’s early, but never to early to plan a lil getaway. I heard Uber is starting a new service called “Uber Sits”! They’ll babysit yer kids if ya gotta run to Vegas for the weekend! 😎🥃

Something to think about. Ideas are welcome, as always. That’s it! Book it.

Floyd T
Fellas, a brother and I are planning a trip to Sin City for the Kentucky Derby. The Derby takes place on 06May2023.(first Saturday in May for you that don’t get it!)

I’m gonna try to set up arrival early Friday with departure early to mid Monday morning. So that 5th thru 8th, tentatively.

Best I can tell is we can still smoke in the gambling joints. There’s plenty to do for a few days, so spouses are absolutely welcome.

It’s early, but never to early to plan a lil getaway. I heard Uber is starting a new service called “Uber Sits”! They’ll babysit yer kids if ya gotta run to Vegas for the weekend! 😎🥃

Something to think about. Ideas are welcome, as always. That’s it! Book it.

Floyd T
Have you ever watched it in person?
I’ve gone the Friday before, The oaks, and that was enough for me. I was with the common folks and it was nut to butt everywhere ya went. Betting was a continual cycle of standing in line.

Nah, I love watching on TV. I still get excited when they call the race.

I’ll go live to any other track, when not a top three race. Love the atmosphere!

Floyd T
I'm in on this deal. Like we talked about. A meet up herf with side entertainment could be a blast. Watch the Derby on Saturday afternoon then settle in for an afternoon/evening herf somewhere cool. Gather back on Sunday mid morning for a little more smoking back slapping and foolishness. Yeah... VEGAS? I'm in!
Vegas would be a good time I am sure. I will probably be at the track, although I am considering skipping this year. It makes for a long weekend.
Dan, that sounds great. I plan to bump it every so often, so I can catch anyone who's missed it. We'll see.

Floyd T
If all goes well, this shit should be locked in w/in a few days. Flamingo Hotel should be the base location with serious shit happening at Caesars. If you ever wanted to achieve A+++ status, this is the opportunity. Bonus gaming money will be added to every confirmed attendee!

Flyod T
Bumped so Dan... @CgarDan can book his room at Bally's.

Mike... @StatHaldol you and Christina should join the fun. I know you guys don't like to gamble... but you guys can suffer a little ... right? 😎
Slight change, fellas. Bally's will be the base of operations(at least for two of the cool kids). I hope to have a few CP'ers come join the fun. Thanks for reading.

Floyd T
Bump for the reminder it'll be here soon. We'd love to have a few CP'ers in LV for a good time. Enjoy the day.

Floyd T
Well this is about to be real.... Just got off the horn with Walt. He's chompin' at the bit... see what I did there... horse racing? Never mind.
Scott @Lkyman .... I need your assistance. We are looking for a Vegas local to help us find a place to bet the ponies and SMOKE CIGARS on SAT 5/6. Do the larger sports books let you smoke in them... I've heard no, anymore.