A couple of pictures:
Sneeds and mmburtch discuss the multiple mistakes being made by the window cleaning crew while I light a soon to be multi-wrapper-explosion Opus.

Opus wrappers apparently do not like 80% humidity.
Lilbastage prepares to burn his last Padron Millenium. It was well worth a little bit of his soul being stolen he assured us. Meanwhile, mmburtch thinks up another pick-up line since his "If I told you you had a nice body, would you hold it against me?" standard was met with hails of derisive laughter by the chick sitting behind him.
The Puppy enjoying an Opus Maduro. After learning what passes for a police captain in KC, he needed some comforting and a good smoke.
When in Rome...or KC, as it were. Burnt Ends were delicious as was the Corner Cafe. Good seeing you again Overalls Guy!
We were definitely high on the hog this weekend. Souldog broke several state laws and Commandments with the statue after this photo was taken. The poor pig.
Thanks again to our KC Crew for a great time and wonderful hospitality. Many wonderful cigars and libations were smoked and shared, giant cinnamon rolls devoured, tornadoes averted, innocent people mocked and an overall swell time was had by all. :thumbs: