Ka Boom Bombs Away Pass

"sniff sniff" I think I can almost smell the box!
The mail truck must have just drove through town! :o
The antisapation is killing me :biggrin:
That wasn't cigars you were smelling ,thats that danged ol horse...... Did your eyes water ....Yep thats the horse
Thanks to everyone for your condolences and kind thoughts regarding the passing of my brother-in-law. Both my wife and
I appreciate your thoughtfulness.I am back home now and can't wait to
get bombed by Big Worm. I have taken
shelter and hope to weather the blast.
Will let you know the extent of the
damage if I survive. Did I notice the
words Siglo IV? I suspect at least
one Cuban soldier will bite the dust.Thanks again to all. You each are
Gentlemen,I apologize, but I have been called out of town for work from 07/28/01-08/05/01. Unfortunately, work comes before play...............sigh. And it looks like the pass will come to me right between those dates.I have emailed Vern and asked him to just send the pass on to the next person in line. Sorry to have missed this one. It looks like a blast!Thanks,
I have emailed my good friend Devin back to say that I am sure Bob would not mind babysitting the pass for a few days so that Devin would recieve it after 8/5. I will post again as soon as this is sorted out.
heheheheheheheh......watch yer' back padner!!!! Actually, bob, the best part of your bomb, in my opinion, didn't fit in the tuppador and is buried (like a land mine) in the peanuts below!!! BE CAREFUL DON'T BLOW YER HANDS OFF!!!!! :o:biggrin: Ryan
Dang it is scarry just thinking what that dastardly Worm must be up too......Kinda gives me goosebumps just thinking about it...Good Luck Bob
Well fellas, the bomb dropped this morning at 10:35 am in Pampa, TX. We haven't heard from Bob it must've been a direct hit.....I'm on my way to Pamap, TX right now to retreive my &#365 from the box!!!!! :biggrin:
Vern my good friend, has offered to have Bob hold the package until 8/1 and then mail it out to me. I have never had a PM package get to me in less than three days from Texas. (This time will be different, just because I said that) That way it will arrive on the 4th. I will be out of the country, arriving home on the 5th. If no other members of this pass have a problem with that, I would be honored to still be apart of this. Please LMK, thanks.Good luck Bob!
Notice to all...
   Bob will be holding on to the pass for a few days so that Devin can get it when he gets back from his trip..
Wolfman ..You better start work on that bomb shelter now...
Bob when you come to let us know....
(Edited by vern at 6:19 pm on July 26, 2001)
Its here. Damage emence. Postman
got a hernia delivering the box; the
neighbors got pissed because of the
fallout from Ryan's bomb; the wife is
upset because I need a bigger cooler
to hold the extra smokes; and I lost
three fingers off of my drinking hand
because of the hidden land mine in the bottom of the box. Other than that, it was an uneventful day. Thanks BW! I will move heaven and
earth to reattach the fingers to my
drinking hand so that the little
goodie in the bottom of the box will
get the attention it deserves.I will baby sit the box until Devin
returns. Look out my friend. I predict massive damage on impact.Bob
WOW I felt the impact of that one all the way up here in Oregon...Fantastic job Big Worm...
Bob I just got to say ..that the way you wrote your last post was well.... A work of art !! ..I have printed a copy so I have an example. I especially liked the way you just reported the plain facts and nothing but the facts....
I am looking forward to the bomb you are dropping on Devin ....OH YAAAAA ..This is getting GOOD...VERY GOOD.
Thanks Bob! I wish you all the best with your fingers.  I will definitely look into getting some bomb squad suits. LOL!Vern, it looks like you have created a MONSTER!!!!
Direct hit!!! heh heh, I took a chance on that one, Bob, hope you enjoy as much as we do over her in KY. Fine stuff, very fine stuff......:biggrin:
Big Worm: Drinking hand now back
working. Thanks again. Payback is
a Mother. BEWARE!!!! Bob
:o :o :o I reckon' I'm just glutton for punishment!!!! Glad to hear the drinkin' hand is back to normal, better give it a good "physical therapy" style workout to make sure, if you "work it out" enough so that you body becomes nub, you know you'll be ok!!!! LMAORyan
Well Bob you only have a couple more days to get your bomb all wired up and ready for Devin...Figured out your puts an takes yet? ...The suspense is getting to me.
Gang: I have decided on the following takes:
Cohiba Siglo IV ISOM
R&J Belicoso ISOM
Don Carlos RobustoSince I still have a couple of days
before I mail the Box, I am trying
to deceide among the followings puts:Papayo Vintage Select
Consuegra Millinium
Roi-Tan Reserva
Hava-Tampa Jewel with teak wood tipLMK what everyone would prefer. I cannot, of course, include such fine
smokes in the bomb for Devin. I feel
sure he will understand. What I don't put in the Box I may send to Ryan as part of my "pay back" to him.Bob